Sylvie Lévêque Molecular Biology Engineer

Course and current status

2010 – 2011 [7 months]
Plant research assistant at Gautier Semences SA – Eyragues (13, France) Molecular tools development for marker assisted selection and quality control of fresh vegetables seeds
2009 – 2010 [17 months]
Engineer at INRA – GAFL (Fruits and Vegetables Genetics and Amelioration) – Avignon (84, France) MELRIP project - Identification of genes involved in ripening melon fruits : natural and induced diversity in melon populations
2007 – 2009 [24 months]
Engineer at INRA – EPGV (Study of Vegetables Genomes Polymorphism) – Evry (91, France) FROSTY project - Genetic and phenotypic aspects of freezing tolerance and cold acclimation process in Arabidopsis thaliana : natural diversity and candidate genes expression
2005 – 2007 [18 months]
Technician at CEA – IG – CNG (Genotyping National Center) – Evry (91, France) Human polymorphism research within assocation genetic studies : genes analysis involved in genetic diseases susceptibility

Scientific summary

-- Transversal skills
Proceedings inventing and developping ; projects management ; data analysis, synthesis, results writing and showing ; scientific and technologic monitoring ; writing and oral communication ; team spirit
-- Technical expertises
-> Molecular Biology : Plant and animal DNA and RNA extraction / Real time quantitative RT-PCR, HRM (High Resolution Melting) / High-Throughput PCR and sequencing / Genotyping : Taqman markers, CAPS-dCAPS, SSR
-> Cell Biology : plant cells in vitro culture
-> Biochemistry : enzymology, affinity chromatography
-> Microbiology : bacteria culture, transformation, fermentation
-> Automation : pipeting robots using and programming
-- Informatics
-> Windows, Unix / Pack Microsoft Office : Word, Excel, PowerPoint / XLSTAT
-> Bioinformatics : ClustalW, MultiAlign, BLAST, Genalys® (CNG) / CAPS finder, GelBuddy / Oligo6, Primer3 / SDS (Applied BioSytems)
-- Languages
English : advanced level

Image d’exemple