Stéphane MOTTIN PhD; Mathematics (PDE), Computer Science (image/video analysis, accurate 3D mesh processing), Physics (wave propagation), Optics (femtosecond systems), Neurophysiology (tachymetabolism,mammals/birds), neuro-ethology & "social brain" sciences

Course and current status

French (born 1964, Paris) 

1987 Engineer  "Institut Génie Chimique" (ENSIGC), France (2nd/ 55 students), "Génie Biologique" (it was the first year of this option).

1988 ESM Emmanuel School of Mission, Paray-le-Monial, France.

1989 DEA/Master "Génie Biologique et Médical", Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, and Université de St-Etienne and Université de Lyon, France.

1993 PhD NeuroPhotonics, Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne and Université de Grenoble, France; Chairman: Prof Michel Jouvet.

2006 "Habilitation à diriger la recherche" (H.D.R.), Univ. St-Etienne; "Neurophotonique ultrabrève,et Neuro-éthologie chez les vertébrés avec tachymétabolisme. Etude du sommeil paradoxal chez le rat et de la communication chez le Diamant mandarin"; Chairman: Prof Michel Jouvet.

1995-present Tenure Position at CNRS as researcher in the Laboratory UMR5516,  CNRS, PRES Université de Lyon, Université de St-Etienne, France

2000-present Series editor (MRCT,CNRS)


"a brief two-sentences CV" (200words):

"In the early 1990s, with R. Cespuglio and P. Laporte, we were the first to measure neuro-optophysiologic signals in freely moving rat in order to study paradoxical sleep by optical fibers and minimally invasive surgery (see below) by picosecond time-resolved spectroscopy .

For many years I have developed

1/ a noninvasive picosecond optical tomography (POT) applied to live zebra finches, fascinating songbirds, and

2/ research within the Partial Differential Equations (homogeneization, analytical solution, theorem)

3/ in social sciences (ethology, social brain theory).

Scientific summary


  • 2 pictures from this article:





-----------Time-resolved fluorescence, freely moving animal (rat)

Article: Inhibition of NADH oxidation by chloramphenicol in the freely moving rat measured by picosecond time-resolved emission spectroscopy; S. Mottin, P. Laporte, R. Cespuglio (2003) , 633-642. In Journal of Neurochemistry:


---------mathematics :

Article: Multiscale Modeling of Light Absorption in Tissues: Limitations of Classical Homogenization Approach, S. Mottin, G. Panasenko, S. Ganesh, PlosONE (2011) Open Access:




Image d’exemple