Dominique Eladari
  • E-mail :[email]
  • Phone : +33 6 15 32 29 45
  • Location : Paris, France
Last update 2012-08-01 12:08:44.924

Dominique Eladari MD-PhD Physiology

Course and current status


- since 2004: Associate Professor in Physiology (MCU-PH), Physiology Department of Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Paris

- 2001-2003: Post-doctoral position at INSERM (poste d'accueil pour jeune médecins), JP Cartron laboratory , Institut National de la Transfusion Sanguine

- 1997-2001: Assistant professor in Physiology (AHU) Physiology department Hôpital Broussais

- 1990-1997 Resident in Nephrology (AIHP)


- 2012 Centre de Recherche PARCC-Team 12, HEGP

- 2007- 2012 Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, Team 3

- 1995 - 2007 Renal Physiology U356 Institut des Cordeliers


Member of the editorial boards of Kidney International, American journal of Physiology Renal Physiology, and Journal of Nephrology.

Scientific summary

Eladari Laboratory is specialized in ion transport physiology. Our research focuses on the role of the kidney in fluid and electrolytes homeostasis, and more particularly on the identification and characterization of molecular mechanisms governing acid-base, sodium balance and blood pressure regulation. Recently, we have identified a critical role of the intercalated cells, a subtype of renal epithelial cells initially thought to be exclusively dedicated to acid-base homeostasis, in the control of NaCl balance and blood pressure. Indeed, these cells exhibit a NaCl absorbing mechanism targeted by thiazide therapy,  one of the most widely used antihypertensive treatment. We have also shown that these cells are a major source of paracrine factors that locally controls NaCl, K, and acid-base transport. Our current work aims to decipher the molecular mechanisms regulating these two functions in order to identify novel pathways involved in salt-sensitivity of the blood pressure, and ultimately, in the pathphysiology of hypertension.

Image d’exemple