Isabelle Carrière Statistician and Epidemiologist, Senior Research Fellow INSERM

Course and current status


Academic degrees:


2005: PhD in Epidemiology and Public Health (University Paris XI)

 1982: Master of applied mathematics (University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse)




2004-         : Statistician and Epidemiologist, Inserm U1061, Montpellier

1998 - 2004: Biostatistician, Inserm U500, Montpellier

 1995 - 1998: Biostatistician, Inserm SC10, Villejuif

1989 - 1995: Biostatistician in pharmaceutical industry

1983 - 1989: Biostatistician, University Hospital, Toulouse



Scientific summary




Fields of Interest:


 - Risk factors of disability and frailty in the elderly people,

- Biological and pharmacological risks of neuropsychological disorders in aged people,

- Risk factors of cognitive decline in the elderly people,

- Associations between depression, visual impairment and disability,


- Statistical modeling: Generalized linear mixed model.



Main responsibilities and grants


- Head of the statistical modeling platform Inserm U1061

- Grant ANR VISA Project 2010-PRSP-011

- Grant IReSP 2007, HandiCode Project

- Grant Fondation pour la Recherche Medicale 2014, ELIANE-DEP project

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