Valérie CREPEL
  • E-mail :[email]
  • Phone : +33 (0) 4 91 82 81 15
  • Location : Marseille, France

Scientific topics


Last update 2018-02-06 23:32:04.921

Valérie CREPEL PhD

Course and current status


Born : 11/02/1964

INMED-INSERM U901 Parc Scientifique de Luminy. BP.13,

13273 Marseilles Cedex 09

Telephone : +33 (0) 4 91 82 81 15

e-mail :

 Education and academic career

- 1992. PhD Neuroscience, Paris XI University, France.

- 1994 -1995. Researcher (CR2), INSERM, Paris, France

- 1996 -1998. Researcher, Calgary University, Canada

- 1999 – 2006. Researcher (CR1), INSERM, INMED, Marseille, France

- 2007- Present. Research Director (DR2), INSERM, INMED, Marseille, France


- Head of the INMED team (http:// Epilepticode: Neuronal coding and plasticity in epilepsy

- 43 articles in peer review journals - Mentor of 11 PhD students & post-docs

- Funding: INSERM, CNRS, AMU, ANR, FRC-Rotary, PACA, LFCE, FRM, INSERM Transfert

Administrative and organisational experiences

- 2012 - 2015: Secretary General-Elect (2012 - 2013) & Secretary General (2014 – 2015) of the French Neuroscience Society

- 2012, Organisation of the French Neuroscience Society - Alfred Fessard day, Paris, France

- 2013 & 2014, co-organisation of the booth “Neuroscience in France – From Education to Research”, SfN, San Diego & Washington, USA

- 2013 & 2015, co-organisation of the French Neuroscience Society meeting, Lyon & Montpellier 

 National Scientific Committees:

- 2003-2007: Member of the National INSERM committee (CSS8)

- 2008-2010: Member of the French National Agency for Research (ANR) committee

- 2013-2015: Member of the national CNRS committee (section 25)

- 2015 : Chair of an University scientific committee, Paris V

- 2015 : Member of the National Scientific committee, HCERES

- 2016 : Member of the National University Council, CNU (section 69)

- 2016 – present : Chair of the National INSERM committee (CSS4)

 Honours and Awards

- 2008, Award from French Ministry of Education.

- 2010, Award from FRC-Rotary Club.

- 2007/2011 Award “contrat d’interface” from INSERM & Paris V University

Scientific summary

Research interests

Valérie Crépel is a cellular neurobiologist with expertise in synaptic transmission and intrinsic neuronal properties. She is internationally recognized for her expertise in the physiopathology of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). She has discovered and described the physiopathological impact of ectopic kainate receptors (KARs) in coding operation and seizure activity in dentate granule cells (DGCs) in TLE. The VC’s team has notably shown that aberrant KAR-operated synapses impact the temporal and rate coding of DGCs in TLE. More recently, in collaboration with Christophe Mulle’s team (IINS, Bordeaux), the team has explored the pathophysiological implications of ectopic KARs in seizures. This works demonstrates that KARs ectopically expressed in DGCs play a major role in chronic seizures and defined GluK2/GluK5 as a promising target for the treatment of intractable epilepsy.

Image d’exemple