Course and current status


2001: PhD in molecular and cellular biology. Paris XI University, France. Host laboratory: INSERM U370, Faculty of Medicine Necker-Enfants malades. Paris V University, France.

2006: Diploma for research direction (HDR). Paris V University, France.

2007: Diploma for animal experimentation, level 1. Veterinary school, Lyon, France.

Work Experience

Since 2024 : Team leader, AlzPark team. Institute of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology (IPMC), Université- Côte d'Azur, CNRS UMR-7275, INSERM U1323, Valbonne, Sophia-Antipolis, France.

2011-2023: Senior Research Associate (CR1-permanent position, INSERM).  Institute of Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology (IPMC), CNRS UMR-7275, Valbonne, Sophia-Antipolis, France.

2009-2010: Team leader. The Italian Institute of technology, neuroscience and brain technologies department, Genoa, Italy.

2005-2008: INSERM young investigator contract (3-5 years). INSERM U807, Paris V University, Paris, France.

Teaching activities

2024 : Winter school “Mitochondria in health, disease and aging”, University Côte d’Azur, France.

2023 : Winter school “Biology of aging”, University Côte d’Azur, France.

2012-2013: Bachelor courses of pharmacology, University Côte d’Azur, France.

2009-2010: PhD Students XXV Cycle Courses «Life and Humanoid technologies », Italian Institute of Technology, Genova, Italy.

2005-2011: Master 1 and of Master 2 degrees, Paris-XI University, Paris-V University, University of pharmacy-Chateney Malabry, and University of medicine-Krémlin Bicêtre.

2007-2008: Molecular biology/biochemistry & cellular biology (PCEM1 & 2), Paris V University.

Mentoring experience

Committee of the PhD Ministry fellowship (ED85, 2019); PhD committee (3 as principal reviewer: Fez University, Morocco; Caen Normandie University; Aix-Marseille University and Moncton University, Canada). Reviewing committee Polytechnic school, option “genie biology” (GB2), Sophia Antipolis. HDR committee, University Paris VI and University Côte d'Azur. Master 1 et of Master 2 committes, University Côte d’Azur.

Nominated reviewer by INSERM for Research associate/chaire d’excellence n°66 MCF-1704, Lille University. 

Ad hoc reviewer

  • Grants reviewer:  HORIZON-MSCA-Doctoral Networks (2023),  HORIZON-MSCA-Post-doctoral fellowship (2022 and 2023) and MSCA-Cofund-UniPhD-2022 (European commission), the Italian Ministry for Universities and Research (MIUR), IIT project SEED and Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo (Italy), Alzheimer Society-United against Dementia, UKRI-MRC (UK), Alzheimer association (USA), the Research Foundation-Flanders (FWO), Canadian Institute of Health Res (Canada), the National Science Center Poland (Poland), Neuological Foundation (New Zealand), Fondation Vaincre Alzheimer, Agence de la Biomédecine, ANR, France Alzheimer, FRC (France)...
  • Reviewer for several journals: Cell death and disease, Journal of cell physiology, FASEB, Current Alzheimer research, J. Neuroscience, Brain Behavior and immunity, Genes, Mol. Neurodegeneration, Plos One, Scientific Reports, European Journal of Neuroscience, behavioral Brain Research, J. of Alzheimer Disease, Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, Cells, Autophagy, Cell report, Brain, J Cell phys, EMBO, Acta Neuropathologica, Nature Neuroscience, and Science signaling...


2024: Excellence prize RIPEC from INSERM.

Since 2022: Deputy president of the scientific advisory board member of “Fondation Vaincre Alzheimer”.

2021: Invited member of DESP (département de l'évaluation scientifique et du suivi des programmes) INSERM.

2021: Winner of NanoString Gene Expression Panel Grant Program.

2019: Excellence prize RIPEC from INSERM.

2015: Nominated Mentor at INSERM.

2006: Poster Award of the European Calcium Society (ECS).

2001: National Ph.D. Award of the « Association Nationale des Enseignants de Biologie Cellulaire ».

Scientific board

2022-2026: Member of the INSERM CSS4.

Since 2019: Member of the international scientific advisory board member of “Fondation Vaincre Alzheimer”, Alzheimer Nederland" and "Alzheimer Forschung".

Since 2019: Member of  "Comité Institutionnel d'Éthique Pour l'Animal de Laboratoire-institutional ethic comity for animal experimentation : CIEPAL-AZUR".

Associate Editor of Journal of Alzheimer Disease (2017) & Cells Journal (since 2019) and Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience, invited review (IJMS & Autophagy journals), and Guest Editor for Cells journal (2020 and 2022).


Société des Neurosciences; World mitochondrial society; Society of Neuroscience; Club Exocytose-Endocytose; Club Francophone de l’autophagie.

Research Support as PI or co-PI

2024 : Grant from Fondation Alzheimer. PI


2022-2023: Trans-disciplinary master project, IDEX-UCA-JEDI “Living systems Complexity and diversity”. Co-PI

2021 : Grant from France Alzheimer. PI

2021 : Grant from Conseil départemental des Alpes Maritimes. PI-Coordinator

2019: IDEX-UCA-JEDI “Living systems Complexity and diversity”, seminar organization. Co-PI 

2018: Fondation Vaincre la Maladie d’Alzheimer (FVA). PI

2017-2018: Trans-disciplinary master project, IDEX-UCA-JEDI “Living systems Complexity and diversity”. Co-PI

2013-2016: Ligue européenne contre la maladie d’Alzheimer (LECMA). PI

2008-2011: Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM). Co-PI

2005-2008: Association Française contre les myopathies (AFM). Co-PI

2004: Post-doctoral fellowship Roux, Pasteur institute.

2002: Long term post-doctoral fellowship from the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO).

2001: Post-doctoral fellowship Award from the «Association pour la Recherche sur le Cancer» (ARC).

2000: PhD fellowship from «Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale» (FRM).

1998: National PhD fellowship from «la Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer» (LNCC).

Selected/invited oral communications  and chair, last 3 years:

2024: Annual Meeting of the Chilean Society for Cell Biology, Puerto Varas, Chili

2023: "Journées de Recherche sur la SLA et les maladies du neurone moteur," FILSLAN-ARSLA, Paris

2023: European Calcium Society Workshop. "Mitochondrial Calcium Signaling in Health and Disease", Padova, Italy

2023 : NeuroFrance2023. Chair Symposia-Spreading in neurodegenerative diseases: from physiopathological mechanisms to clinical applications, Lyon

2022: Fond de dotation Clinatec, Grenoble

2022: 16th International Conference on Alzheimer's & Parkinson's Diseases, Barcelone

2021: Chair of the winter school “Mitochondria in health, disease and aging, Univeristy Côte d'Azur.

2021: Symposium “post-translational modifications in neuronal physiology and brain disorders” (virtual)

2021: Club Francophone de l’Autophagie (1st virtual meeting)

2021: 15th International Conference on Alzheimer's & Parkinson's Diseases, Lisbonne

2019: 6th “Joint Neurobiology IPMC - iBV meeting“, Université Côte d’Azur

2019: Club Alzheimer Montpellier, Genopolys

2019: IPMC, 30 years of biology on the Riviera

2019: 14th International Conference on Alzheimer's & Parkinson's Diseases, virtual

2018: Institute of Molecular Biosciences, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailande

2018: Université de Montpellier, INSERM U1198

2018: 9th World Congress on Targeting Mitochondria, Germany

2018: “Journées Francophones de la maladie d′Alzheimer et des syndrômes apparentés”  

Scientific summary

I am an expert in the field of subcellular calcium signaling and mitochondria biology. My studies demonstrated the impact of local calcium transfer from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the mitochondria (referred as MAMs: mitochondria-associated membranes) in ER stress response, and revealed the primary role of calcium signaling in the control of mitochondrial dysfunction and cellular bioenergetics outcomes linked to respiratory chain deficiency. In the field of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), I demonstrated the molecular mechanisms underlying calcium homeostasis alteration in disease development. I was pioneer to unravel the localization and the metabolism of the amyloid precursor protein in MAMs, thus interfering with lipid metabolism and mitochondria dysfunctions in AD. My recent studies demonstrate novel molecular mechanisms underlying AD-related mitochondrial structure, function and mitophagy defects and that impaired mitochondrial transport likely contribute to mitophagy failure and AD progression. My research has direct clinical impact through the demonstration of the potential benefit of targeting ER Calcium release to alleviate or to treat AD, and the recent findings proving the correlation of a subset of mitochondrial dysfunctions and mitophagy defect in peripheral cells with cognitive decline.

Image d’exemple