Stephane Belin PhD in Molecular Biology at University of Lyon (France)

Course and current status

2017-present: Assistant Professor CRCN INSERM at Grenoble Institute of Neuroscience INSERM U1216 (France). Group Leader of the team Translation regulation in normal and pathological conditions

2016-2017: Postdoctoral Fellow in at Grenoble Institute of Neuroscience INSERM U1216 (France). Laboratory of Pr. Frederic Saudou Translational regulation and role of HTT in glaucoma and CNS injury. (1 award)

2010-2016: Postdoctoral Fellow in department of Neurology at Harvard Medical School/ Boston Children’s Hospital (USA). Laboratory of Pr. Zhigang He and Dr. Judith Steen Characterization of injury response of CNS neurons at the protein level to identify new pro-regenerative and pro-survival pathways. (6 articles 2 reviews, 3 awards)

2005-2009:  Graduate Student at University of Lyon (France) in Molecular and Cellular Genetic Center. Laboratory of Dr. Jean-Jacques Diaz. Implication of ribosome biogenesis and translation in pathological processes. (7 articles, 2 chapters of book, 1 review, 2 awards)

2004-2005: Master’s Thesis at University of Lyon (France) in Molecular and Cellular Genetic Center. Laboratory of Dr. Jean-Jacques Diaz. Role of ribosome biogenesis in HSV-1 infection. (1 award).

Scientific summary

My scientific goal is to decipher precisely the role of the translation machinery in gene expression regulation during key neuronal development time-points in order to identify the expression of new pro-survival and regenerative programs in the central nervous system.

Image d’exemple