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  • Location : Pessac, France
Last update 2023-10-05 11:04:08.235

Sylvie COLOMER PharmD, PhD Biology and Biochemistry

Course and current status

Dr. Sylvie Colomer joined in 2017 Inserm U1034 located in Pessac, FRANCE  and is now Member of Thombosis and Myeloproliferative neoplasms group directed by Pr Chloé James.

2007-2015: Member of  l'EA 4137/4576 « Maladies Rares : Génétique et Métabolisme»

2003-2006: Member of  EA 3670 « Facteurs de risque vasculaires : modèles cliniques et biologiques»

1996-2002: Member of  EA 482 «Hématologie / Dysfonction endothéliale et facteurs de risque vasculaires»

Since 1993: Associate Professor-Hospital Pharmacist in the Department of Biochemistry and molecular biology of Bordeaux university

1992: PhD, INSERM U8, University of Bordeaux2

1987-1992: Internship-University Hospitals of Bordeaux

1988: PharmD., University of Bordeaux2


Scientific Academy Society and committees membership

  • Member of GFHT, Groupe Français d’étude de l’Hémostase et de la Thrombose »
  • Member of ANPGM , « Association nationale des praticiens de génétique moléculaire
  • Member of AE2BM, « Association des Enseignants de Biochimie et Biologie Moléculaire des Facultés de Pharmacie ».

Scientific summary

During more than 20 years, my research themes focused on  the study of the predisposition genetic markers of venous thrombosis risk in order to develop a critical phenotypic  approach in regard to mutations found in the major actors of thrombosis risk (aPCR, deficiency in proteins C and S).

Since 2017, when I joined Chloe James' group at Unit 1034, my research axis has moved to the study and understanding of thrombotic mechanisms observed in myeloproliferative syndromes.  The research has been particularly focused on the DNA-based neutrophil extracellular traps which has been described to be part of the thrombus scaffold and promote coagulation in various diseases

Technical approaches involve the use of biological tools to detect and quantify NET specific markers in human biological samples (myeloperoxidase-DNA complexes, DNaseI activity, citrullinated-histone H3…) and the adaptation of  a thrombin generation test (global test exploring either the extrinsic or intrinsic  pathway of the coagulation system) to investigate the mechanism by which NETs promote coagulation.  

Image d’exemple