LAURENT MARTINEZ PhD, Human Physiopathology.

Course and current status

current laboratory

Director of Research (DR2 INSERM),


Institute of Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases (I2MC)

Head of the LiMitAging team (Lipoproteins and Mitochondrial adaptations in Age-related vascular & metabolic diseases)

CHU Rangueil, BP 84225

31432 Toulouse cedex 04,



Degrees and diplomas

-2007: HDR (Hability to manage Ph.D degree), University of Toulouse III, Paul Sabatier.

-2001: Ph.D in Biochemistry, University of Toulouse III, Paul Sabatier.


Previous laboratories

-2011-Now: Team leader at INSERM UMR1297 in Toulouse (Director: Pr. D. Langin), Topic: Lipoproteins, Mitochondrial adaptation, metabolic diseases, endothelium dysfunction, Aging

-2007-2011: Head of the Avenir group "F1-ATPase in cholesterol metabolism", INSERM U563, Toulouse. Director: Pr. G. Delsol / Pr. B. Perret.

-2004-2010: Researcher (CR INSERM) at INSERM U563 in Toulouse (Director: Pr. G. Delsol), Department of Lipoproteins and Lipid Mediators. Director: Pr. B. Perret.

-2004: Visitor scientist at the Dunn Human Nutrition Unit, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Director: Sir John Walker.

-2001-2003: Postdoctoral fellowship, Columbia University, New-York City, USA. Supervisor: Dr Alan Tall

-1998-2001: PhD student, INSERM U326 (Director: Pr. H. Chap), Toulouse. Supervisor: Dr R. Barbaras


University teatching responsibilities

Since 2005, teaching in master of pathophysiology (2nd year), University of Toulouse III.


Scientific prizes and Awards

 - 2007: Invitation to the 57th meeting of Nobel Laureates at Lindau, Germany.

 - 2007: INSERM “Avenir” Award for the promotion of young researchers.

 - 2005: Invited lecture for the Roche Symposium for Leading Bioscientist of the Next Decade, Basel, Switzerland. March18th, 2005.

 - 2004: Invitation to the 100-year centennial of the ‘Entente Cordiale’ in the presence of Queen Elizabeth and the former French health minister, highlighting the collaboration with the group of J.Walker. Toulouse, France, April 7, 2004.

 - 2003: EMBO visiting fellowship sponsoring scientific collaboration with Dr. J.Walker (Dunn Human Nutrition Unit, Cambridge, UK).

 - 2002: Post-doctoral fellowship “Lavoisier” sponsored by the French government.

Scientific summary

The aging process affects numerous organs, including the liver and the cardiovascular system, leading to cardiometabolic diseases. Gerontological studies have revealed different molecular pathways involved in the aging process and pointed out mitochondrial as one of the key regulator of longevity. Particularly, mitochondrial dysfunction drives cellular senescence and a deterioration of respiratory chain activity is associated with age in mammals.

The project of the LiMitAging team is to study the relation between some actors of mitochondrial functions and aging, and is driven by the hypothesis that enhancing mitochondrial health and mitochondrial quality-control mechanisms will promote healthy aging.
Our expertise in the field of lipoprotein and mitochondria led us to identify original actors associated to lipid and mitochondrial energy metabolism.

Our objectives are to explore the physiological and pathophysiological roles of those molecular actors that regulate:

1) The oxidative phosphorylation, in particular the mitochondrial ATP synthase

2) Autophagy, particularly mitophagy.

3) Ectopic ATP synthase and G protein-coupled P2Y receptors signaling pathways

Our research has led to the development of original drug candidates and biomarkers that are currently being validated on preclinical models and cohorts, to be used for early detection and resolution of mitochondrial dysfunctions in pre-frail individuals or in population at high risk of cardiometabolic diseases.

• Methodologies Used :
1. Preclinical models of NAFLD and NASH (ex-vivo and in-vivo).

2. Analyses of endothelial function: murine model of vascular endothelial injury and reendothelialization, in-vivo femoral artery blood flow, in-vitro and ex-vivo nitric oxide production.

3. Lipoprotein metabolism: Isolation of VLDL, LDL, HDL (human and mouse), purification of human apoA-I, hepatic VLDL production, lipoproteins endocytosis, plasma lipoprotein profiling (HPLC, Lipoprint, RMN), gallbladder cannulation for biliary lipid flux analyzes.

3. Glucose metabolism: OGTT, ITT.

4. Ex-vivo organ model: Precision-Cut tissue Slices.

Image d’exemple