Stéphane Savary
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  • Location : Dijon, France
Last update 2024-02-09 16:29:48.666

Stéphane Savary Pr.

Course and current status

Stéphane SAVARY


UMR6265 CNRS, 1324 INRAE, Institut Agro Dijon, Université de Bourgogne

Equipe 5, Neurobiologie des Comportements Alimentaires


9E, boulevard Jeanne d'Arc

21000 Dijon, France


 Since 2012: Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, IUT Dijon, University of Bourgogne

1998-2012 : Associate Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, IUT Dijon, University of Bourgogne

1996-1998 : Assistant Professor, Molecular Biology, University of Tours, Postdoc in the Research Institute of Insect Biology, Genomic relationship between the wasp Cotesia congregata and its symbiotic polydnavirus.



2004 - Habilitation to Supervise Researches, Univeristy of Bourgogne,  “Cloning and characterization of the ABCD2 gene: therapeutic hope for adrenoleukodystrophy”

1996 - PhD. Immunology, University of the Mediterranean Marseille, France, CIML, Identification and characterization of novel ABC transporters in mammals.

1993 - MS Immunology, University of the Mediterranean Marseille, France

1989-1992 - BS,MS Biochemistry, University of the Mediterranean Marseille, France



Supervisor of 10 Master students

Supervisor of 7 PhD students

Supervisor of 2 postdoctoral fellows



2023 : Director of the Lab. BioperoxIL, EA7270 University of Bourgogne

2017-2023: Deputy Director of BioperoxIL

2004-2023: Head of the research group “ABCD transporters and X-ALD”, BioperoxIL



49 publications since 1994, average citation per article 30, Average iF 5,2 , h-index 21


- President of the BCP 64/65 University of Bourgogne

- Elected to the Administrative Council of the IUT of Dijon 2018-2022

- Member of the concil of the Doctoral School Environment-Health of the University of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté since 2017 (

- Elected to the Comission of human ressources of the IUT of Dijon 2014-2022

- Elected to the Scientific Council of the IUT of Dijon 2006-2012

- vice-president of the recruitment committee (section 64 Biochemistry-Molecular Biology) of the University of Bourgogne 2002-2004

- President of the AEP-Bio (Association for the Study of Peroxisomes) whose aim is to animate a scientific network and organize scientific meeting every two years on peroxisomal themes.

- Co-organizer of the 3rd OEPM (Dijon, 2012), of the 29th Forum of Young Researchers SFBBM (Dijon, 2002) and Organizer of the 11th (Dijon, 2004) and 12th (Paris, 2006) meeting of AEP-Bio

Scientific summary

Cloning of novel ABC transporters in mammals

ABCA1 - Tangier Disease, Cholesterol efflux

ABCB7 - Sideroblastic Anemia

ABCG1 - Cholesterol efflux

ABCD2 - Closest homolog of ABCD1 which is associated to X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy


ABCD2, a therapeutic target for X-ALD

Transcriptional regulation of ABCD2

PPARalpha pathway, fibrates, fatty acids

DHEA, Thyroid hormone and thyromimetics as inducers

Phenyl butyrate and chromatin remodeling

LXR antagonists


Structure-function analysis of ABCD2

Substrate specificity

Functional redundancy



Microglia and physiopathogenesis of X-ALD

Establishment of BV2 microglial mutant cell lines using CRISPR-mediated edition of ABCD1, ABCD2 and ACOX1genes

Biochemical and functional characterization (lipids, membrane properties, phagocytosis, cytokines, ...)

Co-culture with oligodendrocytes or neurons (link between microglial peroxisomes and demyelination)

Co-culture with T lymphocytes (link between microglial peroxisomes and immune response)


Peroxisome, lipid sensing and control of food intake (from Jan 2024)

Image d’exemple