Patrice Marche PhD Biochemistry Immunology

Course and current status

Academic record:

1979: « Fundamental Immunology » diploma, Institut Pasteur, Paris.  

1982: PhD thesis, University René Diderot Paris 7, in Biochemistry option Immunology.

Research positions:

1978-81: PhD student, French Research Department fellowship.

1983-85: post-doc fellow, Fogherty, NIH-NIAID, Bethesda, MD.

1985-87 Associate Professor, of University Paris 7;

1987-91 Researcher of Institut Pasteur Paris;

1991-202 Directeur de Recherche at INSERM (French National Institute of Health and Medical Research);

Since 2023 Directeur de Recherche Emeritus at INSERM 

Scientific management:

1996 - 2006: head of the INSERM Research Unit 548, in CEA-Grenoble;

2007 - 2020: head of Analytical Immunology of Chronic Diseases team, in Research Center IAB (U1209 INSERM - CNRS UMR 5309 – University Grenoble-Alpes).

2016 - 2020, vice director of IAB

Coordination (1) of and participations (7) to European research FP or H2020 European projects.


1999-2004 for the l’Agence Nationale de Recherche sur le Sida (French Agency for AIDS) in the comity for hepatitis C research;

2000-11, member of the Medical Research Coucil of the Universty Hospital of Grenoble; member of the Scientific Coucil of the "Centre Jacques Cartier";

2005-12: Scientific Advisor of the University Hospital of Grenoble.

2005-12, expert for the National and European Observatory of NanoTechnologies;

2008-16, president of the scientific council of the Ligue contre le Cancer for Rhone-Alpes region;

2006-16, member of the steering comity of the Canceropole Auvergne Rhone-Alpes

since 2007 for the DGRI (Research and Innovation Department) of the French  of Research Ministry; ;

Occasional expert for French research organizations (INSERM, CNRS and Universities), for EC FP, H2020, Horizon and MSCA programmes of the European Commission.

Additional activities:

Since 1988 Member of the French Society of Immunology, 1992-97 in Scientific Council, 1994-97 as General Secretary;

2002-18, « Section Editor » of Immunobiology journal



6 patents

Scientific summary


Complete list on ORCID: 0000-0002-8930-9340; Scopus Author ID: 35593059800;

ResearcherID: K-5060-2013; Loop profile: 642654

Scientific interests:

1- Fundamental immunology: study of the repertoire of the immune response at the level of the antigen specific receptors of the T lymphocytes and antibodies, and at the level of the regulation of the inflammation and immune responses by dendritic cells and complement system.

2- Immunology in chronic diseases: study of the immune system regulation and deregulation in liver infections, cancer and inflammation  to define diagnostic/prognostic markers and to assay new therapies. Study the role of Human Endogenous RetroVirus in chronic inflammatory diseases.

3- Nano Bio Technology: development of miniaturised tools for analysis of the immune system by protein and cell chips to be used in the frame of medical diagnostic and prognostic; evaluation of the effects of nano materials and particles on the immune system to evaluate potential  toxic deleterious that may lead to chronic inflammatory diseases or to develop new immunotherapy including vaccines.

6 Patents, licenses in 2  start-up companies: GeNeuro (Geneva, Sw), ImmunID (Grenoble, Fr).

Image d’exemple