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  • Location : NANTES, France
Last update 2017-01-20 23:16:27.924

Julie GAVARD PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology

Course and current status

- Research Director CNRS (2017-): signaling in oncogenesis, angiogenesis, and permeability; CRCINA, CNRS ERL6001; Nantes

- Associate Researcher (2015-16): signaling in oncogenesis, angiogenesis, and permeability; CRCNA, CNRS UMR6299; Nantes

- Associate Researcher (2010-5): vascular niche and tumor microenvironment; Institut Cochin, CNRS UMR8104; Paris

- Bronze Medal from CNRS (2012)

- Associate Researcher (2008-10): biology of the brain endothelium; CNRS UMR8104; Paris

- Post-Doc (2005-08): oral and pharyngeal cancer branch; NIH; Bethesda; USA

- PhD student (2001-04): signaling in neuromuscular system; Inserm; Paris

Scientific summary

Research for new therapeutic targets in cancer treatment has recently benefited from a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in developmental and tumor-induced angiogenesis. Indeed, blood vessels contribute to neo-vascularization of primary tumors, tumor stem cell niche, and dissemination of metastatic cells. We want to explore the cellular and molecular interactions within the vascular niche either in an intact endothelial barrier or in the tumor micro-environment.

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