Martin Higgs PhD Virology
Course and current status
Post-Doctoral Fellow: 2008 - Present
French National Institute for Health and Medical Research (INSERM) U955, Créteil, France
"Investigating the molecular mechanisms of hepatocellular carcinoma in HCV-infected individuals"
- Using in vivo and in vitro models of HCV infection to investigate the molecular mechanisms of liver tumourigenesis.
- Expression analyses (qPCR, immunoblotting, 2D-DIGE), promoter methylation studies, reporter assays, siRNA studies, immunofluorescence, tumoural analyses.
- Project conception, finance and planning, data keeping, implementation of individual research.
- Creation and maintenance of international collaborations.
- Grant writing: securing funding for both projects and equipment. Negotiation of prices and discounts with suppliers.
- Presentation of data at national and international seminars and meetings.
- Supervision of undergraduate and postgraduate students within laboratory. Design, development and supervision of individual projects.
PhD: 2003 - 2008
Medical Research Council (MRC) Virology Unit and University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK
"The role of the herpes simplex virus type 1 UL33 protein in DNA packaging"
- Generation of panels of mutants and subsequent analysis: immunoprecipitation, immunofluorescence, DNA packaging and viral replication assays.
- Maintenance of lab records, project management, logical planning and implementation of individual research.
- Critical appraisal of scientific literature; thesis writing.
- Presentation of data at seminars, conferences and meetings.
- Supervision of postgraduate colleagues within laboratory.
Research Technician: 2003 - 2004
University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
- Cloning and expression of fusion proteins of GBVB p13 gene.
- Sequencing of HCV-infected patient isolates using RT-PCR.
- Maintenance of lab records, presentation of data, planning individual research.
Scientific summary
I am particularly interested in the effects of chronic viral infection on the development and acceleration of tumourigenesis.
My experiences during post-graduate and post-doctoral research have reinforced my ultimate ambition to direct a research group.