Director of Research INSERM, (DR2)
Address: Administrative: INSERM ADR 08, 60 rue de Navacelles 34394 Montpellier Cedex 5 France
Research Laboratory: Movement to Health (M2H), EA 2991 Faculty of Sport Sciences STAPSMontpellier-1 University
EuroMov, 700 Avenue du Pic Saint Loup - 34090 Montpellier, France ,
Email: jean-paul.micallef @
Mobile: 06 13 43 47 97
Engineer ENSERG at INP Grenoble (1972).
PhD in Human Biology (1984) (Montpellier).
Habilitation to Direct Research (Montpellier) (1985).
1972 - 1984: Assistant Attaché School of Medicine.
1985 - 1992: Researcher INSERM.
1992 - .... : INSERM Research Director.
Researcher INSERM ..... 2012
Teacher Ecole des Mines d'Alès (1983 - 1995)
Lecturer Faculty of Medicine (CES Biomechanics) (1973 - 1996)
Lecturer Faculty of Sports STAPS (Biomechanics), Faculty of Sciences (sensors)
Scientific production:
80 indexed publications
4 patents
Direction of more than 60 DEA or Master and 25 theses
Technology Transfer
Technological support to companies in the biomedical and sensors fields.
- Expert ANVAR.
- Expert OSEO Anvar, JESSICA, Transferts LR .
- Member of the Scientific Council of the Health Sector Transfers Languedoc-Roussillon: Vice Chairman of the Health Cluster.
My Interests
Biomechanics, physiology, physical and sport activity
Sensors essentially strain gauges. Mechanical