Curent Prosition
Research Fellow at Desbrest Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health (IDESP), Montpellier University, Montpellier, France.
Researcher ID :Web of Science ResearcherID H-1389-2018
ORCID : Tasnime Akbaraly (0000-0002-2150-4190)
Employment History
2020-2024 Research Fellow, Inserm, Paris-Saclay University
Unit: Centre de recherche en Epidémiologie et Santé des Populations (CESP), Villejuif
2014-2020 Research Fellow, Inserm, Montpellier University (UM)
Unit: Mécanismes Moléculaire des démences neuro-dégénératives (MMDN), Montpellier
2009-2014 Research Fellow and 1-y post-doctoral researcher, Inserm, UM
Unit: Neuropsychiatry: epidemiological and clinical research, Montpellier
2009-2014 Research Fellow and 1-y post-doctoral researcher, Inserm, France
Unit: Neuropsychiatry: epidemiological and clinical research, Montpellier
2007-2009 Post-doctoral researcher, University College London (UCL)
Unit: Dpt of Epidemiology and Public health, Whitehall II team, London
2006-2007 Post-doctoral researcher, Medical Research Council, UK
Unit: MRC Human Nutrition Research, Cambridge
Additional Position
2009- 2015 Research consultant (part-time), UCL
Unit: Dpt of Epidemiology and Public Health, Whitehall II team, London
2018- 2019 Research consultant, UniversityHospital Center (CHU), Montpellier
Unit: Medecine Psychologique Enfant et Adolescent (MPEA), Montpellier
Education and Diploma
2013 French Habilitation for PhD supervision. Montpellier University, France.
2010 University Diploma in Neuropsychology. Montpellier University, France.
2006 PhD in Epidemiology and Public Health. University Paris XI, France.
2003 Master in Epidemiology. University Paris XI, France.
2002 University Diploma in Statistic and Life Science. University Paris XI, France.
2001 Master in Biochemistry. University Paris VI Pierre et Marie Curie, France.
Honours and Awards
2014-18 Scientific excellence bonus, Inserm, France
2010 Prize "Chercheur d'Avenir", Languedoc Roussillon Region, France
2008 Travel fellowship Award, - International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease
2007 Young Scientist Award (oral communication), Federation of the European Nutrition Societies (FENS).
Research support and fundings
2019-2020 Support from Network of Centre of Excellence in Neurodegeneration (€20000)
2012-2014 ARPE- Support from Languedoc Roussillon region to ongoing project. (€50000)
2011-2014 ANR-2010-MALZ-007-01 (Association National pour la recherche) Cognitive REServe and Clinical ENDOphenotype : Crescendo Project (Co-PI) (€655000)
2011-2014 “Chercheur d’Avenir “ Grant allocated by Languedoc Roussillon Region Support for PhD Student. (€85000)
2006-2007 Post-doctoral grant allocated by the French Nutrition Society. (€22000)
2003-2006 PhD project grant allocated by France Alzheimer association. (€48000)
Other Academic Activities
Current Research Topic
Etiological association of lifestyle factors with mental and cognitive health - My work aims to assess understand the role played by lifestyle factors in mental and cognitive health by applying an holistic approach to assess synergy exposures of lifestyle, social gradiant and environmental factors on trajcetories of mental and cognitive health.
Evidence of International Standing
Prervious Research Topics / Expertise :