Anne-Marie CASSARD-DOULCIER PhD, Endocrinology and molecular biology

Course and current status


2006-2009 : Research scientist at INSERM U764 of Pr. D. Emilie. Inflammation  and cell recruitment in obesity and alcoholic liver diseases. Team of Pr. G. Perlemuter.

2007 : head of the house facilities  

1995-2005 :     Research scientist at INSERM in the CNRS UPR9078 laboratory of Pr. D. Ricquier : Analysis of the regulatory element of the human UCP1 gene. Study of UCP2 and its role in inflammation specifically its role in macrophage.

1994-1995 :     Post doctoral position in the laboratory of P. Briand I.C.G.M. Cochin Institute. Development of transgenic mice for the study of specific regulatory region of the UCP1 gene.

1992-1994 :     Post doctoral position at the CNRS UPR9078 laboratory of Pr. D. Ricquier, Meudon, France.

1989-1992 :     PhD at the CNRS UPR9078 laboratory of Pr. D. Ricquier, Meudon, France. Study of the role of UCP1 uncoupling protein in obesity. Study by analysis of transcriptional regulation of UCP1 gene.

1988-1994 :     Master at the CNRS UPR9078 laboratory of Pr. D. Ricquier, Meudon, France. Study of the role of UCP1 uncoupling protein in obesity



1988 - Master degree in Endocrinology ; Molecular, cellular and metabolics aspects. Very good distinction. First of the class. University of Paris XI.

1988 - Master of biology and biochemical, University of Paris VII, good distinction.

1992 - PhD  in Endocrinology ; Molecular, cellular and metabolics aspects, University of Paris XI. Very good distinction.

2001 - Certificate in Animal experimentation

2003 - Certificate in analysis of transgenic rodents by immunohistological technics, University of Paris XI.

2004 - Accreditation to supervise research, University of Paris V (HDR).

Scientific summary


Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), considered as the liver manifestation of the metabolic syndrome, is the most common liver disease in Western countries and alcohol-induced liver disease is the first cause of cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. These two diseases share common pathophysiological mechanisms and histological lesions : steatosis, hepatitis (NASH), fibrosis and cirrhosis. Our team is working on cells, animal models (including genetically modified) and human samples from patients.

- Involvement of lipid metabolism in Kupffer cells in the lost of liver tolerance in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

- Involvement of GILZ in alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

- Interaction between adipose tissue and liver inflammation in alcoholic liver disease

- Intestinal microbiota in alcoholic liver disease

- Involvement of the axis CXCL12/CXCR4 in the inflammatory process in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Image d’exemple