1. 2020 – present : Institut de la Vision, Inserm/Sorbonne Université, Paris, France.
Team of Retinal Information Processing.
2. 2015 – 2020 : Institute of Neuroscience Paris-Saclay (Neuro-PSI), CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France. Team of Sensori-motor Integration & Plasticity.
3. 2009 – 2015: Dynamical Systems Laboratory. Physics Dept, School of Science, Univ of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
4. 2009 : Systems Biology Laboratory. Inst of Phys, Mol Biol and Neurosc (IFIByNE) CONICET, School of Science, Univ of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
5. 2006 – 2008: Image Processing Laboratory. Physics Dept, School of Science, Univ of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
My purpose is to understand how biological neurons implement together specific computations in the brain. For this I have designed and used tools from physics to perform experiments where I can perturb neural circuits in a controlled manner, and I have combined them with quantitative modeling to exploit these results, and built models explaining how neural computations are implemented. I did my PhD on the neural mechanisms of temperature manipulations in the motor pathway of birds, both experimentally and computationally, developing a cooling device and average neuronal models. In a first short postdoc, I modeled the effect of temperature control on single cells in the bird. In a second postdoc, I focused on sensory coding of complex stimuli in the rodent whisker system, on developing models of sensory processing, and of the corresponding neural circuits. In my third postdoc, I am studying retinal coding under complex natural stimuli, modeling neuronal units and populations with deep neural networks in order to understand the retinal circuits. During my Physics Master I worked 3 years in optics developing a method with a foundational concept for holography, a technique used in neuroscience. I have a solid background in optics, computational modeling at diverse scales and systems neuroscience, as well as experience in analyzing and modeling neural data.