Jean-Louis Dillenseger received the title of Electrical Engineer in 1988 at the National Engineer School from Brest, France, his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering in 1992 from the University of Tours, France and his Habilitation Thesis (HdR) in Signal and Image processing in 2003 from University of Rennes 1.
He is currently Associate Professor at University of Rennes 1 where he teaches electronics and computer science at IUT Rennes and is doing his research on image guided interventions at LTSI, INSERM, U1099, University of Rennes 1.
Jean-Louis Dillenseger joined the Laboratoire Traitement du Signal et Image (LTSI) Insem U1099, Université de Rennes 1 in 1990. His research was first devoted on Scientific Visualization in Medicine (3D medical image and signal rendering, visualization evaluation) and since 20 years on Computer Assisted Medical Interventions and more particularly on image guided intervention: preoperative planning, intervention simulation and intraoperative guidance (3D segmentation, 3D registration, Simulation of the intervention) on High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) interventions and Videos Assisted thoracic surgery.
He is also member of the International Associated Lab CRIBS between Université de Rennes 1/SouthEast University Nanjing China/INSERM.