Christophe Dubois
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  • Phone : 0651464296
  • Location : Marseille, France
Last update 2024-05-16 11:49:49.211

Christophe Dubois PhD in Cell Biology

Course and current status

Christophe Dubois grew up in Perpignan, South of France. He studied biotechnology and cell biology at the university of Marseille, France. During his PhD he worked at Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel, Switzerland in the Dr Beat Steiner’s group. He obtained his PhD at the university of Marseille in 2003. Then he moved to the United States in the Dr. Barbara and Bruce Furie’s lab at Boston, MA. Back to France, between 2006 and 2015 he held a position of Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine in Marseille. In 2015, he joined the Faculty of Pharmacy, Aix Marseille University, as Professor in Cell Biology.

His research activities are mainly focused on the mechanisms involved in thrombus formation and in thrombosis associated with cancer. He was elected member of the INSERM Scientific specialized committee (2009-2012 and 2022-2026), member of the council of the French Group on thrombosis and Cancer (2011-2016) and member of the council of the French Group for Thrombosis & Haemostasis (2013). Since 2017, he is co-chair of the Scientific and Standardization Committee on Hemostasis and malignancy from the ISTH. He lead an Inserm team focused on endothelial dysfonction (and thrombosis) at the C2VN (Center For Cardiovascular and Nutrition Research), Aix Marseille University.

Orcid identification: 0000-003-2421-6087

Web of Science ResearcherID: Q-4656-2018

Scientific summary

My team is focused on the cellular and molecualr mechanisms of thrombosis and thrombosis associated with cancer. We have developed different in vivo models using intravital microscopy. During the last 20 years we have shown that a thrombus could be formed without endothelial denudation. In this case, ATP-activated neutrophils but not NETs are playing a crucial role in the initiation of thrombosis. In cancer, activation of blood platelets together with TF-bearing microvesicles are important for the developement of metastasis as well as the initiation of thrombosis in digestive cancers. Last, we aslo initiate the concept of platelet-educated cancer cells refering to the direct communication and transfer of biological material between platelets and cancer cells. 

Image d’exemple