2005: Master's Degree in Social Psychology of Health.
From 2006 to 2008, I worked in the private sector as a trainer.
From 2007 to 2008, I joined a INSERM research unit, to coordinate a project entitled "Definitions and issues of psychological disability and its related notions: a pragmatic approach" financed by the Mission Recherche of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health.
In 2008, I joined another team of the same unit to coordinate socio-behavioral projects on HIV and viral hepatitis.
In 2014, permanent position as Engineer, INSERM, UMR912
Since 2018, Prevention Assistant
Since 2021, Research Engineer, INSERM, UMR1252
My experience in managing and coordinating research projects enables me to lead and direct a platform of engineers. The aim of this platform is to standardise and optimise project management techniques. I supervise engineers whose tasks include planning, developing and monitoring research projects, in compliance with ethical and regulatory procedures.
My research activities focus more specifically on prevention and care for people affected by HIV, both in France and in developing countries (Africa and Asia). I have expertise in qualitative psychosocial approaches (individual interviews, focus groups) and quantitative approaches with vulnerable populations.