2000: Doctor of Philosophy. University of Tours (France), Physiology.
1996: Master of Research. University of Tours (France), Membrane Biology.
1995: Master of Science. University of Tours (France), Physiology.
1994: Bachelor of Science. University of Tours (France), Cell biology.
2016-date: Research Associate INSERM. INSERM U1045, University of Bordeaux, IHU-LIRYC.
2014-2016: Research Associate. University of Bordeaux, INSERM U1045, IHU-LIRYC.
2011-2014: Research Associate. Stanford University, Hopkins Marine Station.
2006-2011: Wellcome Trust Research Fellow. University of Manchester (UK).
2005-2006: Wellcome Trust Research Fellow. University of Bristol (UK).
2005: Postdoctoral Fellow. University of Bristol (UK).
2000-2005: Postdoctoral Fellow. University of Leeds (UK).
2007: Finalist for the Promega Young Life Scientist Award (Life Sciences meeting, UK).
2005: Research Career Development Fellowship from the Wellcome Trust (UK).
2004: Runner-up for the Richard Bing Young Investigator Award of the International Society for Heart Research.
1997: Pre-doctoral fellowship from the Ministry of Research (France).
My main scientific interest is focused on cardiac excitation-contraction coupling in both in normal and pathophysiological situation. I have made several contributions to the field by investigating:
-Excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac myocytes focusing on electrophysiology and Ca cycling
-Large animal model
-Modulation of the cardiac calcium current.
-Role of the transverse-tubules in cardiac physiology
-Fish heart as a model of human cardiac physio- and pathophysiology.
-Impact of pollution on cardiac excitation-contraction coupling.