2022- Present Full Professor, Immunology and Cell Biology, Université de Paris-Cité, CRC INSERM U1138
2019- 2022 Associate professor, HDR, Université de Paris, CRC INSERM U1138
2014 - 2018 Associate professor, HDR, Université de Paris, institut Cochin
2004 - - - Assistant professor, Université de Paris, Institut Cochin
2001 - 2004 - Postdoctoral fellow, Institut Cochin, Paris.
1999 - 2001 - Postdoctoral fellow at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, USA
1996-1999 - Ph.D Sciences, Biologie et Santé (Molecular biology of microorganisms)
Jean-Pierre COUTY has his own group (Immune Microenvironment and Liver Cancer) within the team headed by C Desdouets at the Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers (CRC). He has a strong experience in the field of Liver Tumor Immunology and beta-catenin-induced HCC using mouse models (Anson M et al.,. J Clin Invest 2012, L’Hermitte A et al.. Hepatology 2019, Cadoux M, et al. J Hepatol 2021). Since 2014, he has extended his field of research on Immunosurveillance and pathological liver ploidization in close collaboration with C. Desdouets (Bou Nader M et al. Gut 2020). More recently, his work on the role of Lect2 during HCC led him to study NAFLD/NASH conditions evolving to HCC emergence, showing that Lect2 controls cholesterol metabolism in a LXR dependent manner. He has also gained skills on immune microenvironment during colorectal cancer development in a context of inhibition of autophagy process in the gut in a collaborative study with Dr. B. Romagnolo (Lévy J et al., Couty JP and Romagnolo B, Nature Cell Biology, 2015.). Jean-Pierre Couty has been involved in several national and international projects related to HCC development and liver microenvironment studies (INCa, EVA Plan Cancer, Idex Emergence, Canceropole, ARC, Ligue, AFEF and ANR). Our team is a member of the CARPEM program (for CAncer Research and PErsonalized Medicine) from the National Cancer Institute ‘s SIRIC.