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  • Location : Bordeaux, France
Last update 2022-01-12 11:42:43.844

Antoine Pariente PU-PH, MD-PhD with PhD Pharmacoepidemiology

Course and current status


Prof of Pharmacology & Pharmacoepidemiology - Univ Bordeaux / CHU de Bordeaux (2014- )

Head of the Research Unit « Pharmacoepidemiology and Population Impact of Drugs », Inserm U1219, Bordeaux Population Health, Research Centre

Head of the Bordeaux Hospital Pharmacoepidemiology Unit

Coordinator of the DRUGS-SAFEr Academic Center for Pharmacoepidemiology (DRUGS Systematised Assessment in real-liFe Environment); University of Bordeaux – GIS EPI-PHARE (ANSM Funding)



Head of the Bordeaux Pharmacovigilance Regional Centre (2016-2021)

Member of the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee PRAC (Scientific Independant Expert) - European Medicines Agency (2018-2021)

Chair of the PRAC IG on Impact Assessment of Pharmacovigilance Regulatrory Activities (2019-2021)

Coordinator of the DRUGS-SAFE National Platform of Pharmacoepidemiology (DRUGS Systematised Assessment in real-liFe Environment); University of Bordeaux – ANSM (2015-2019)

Associate Prof of Pharmacology, Univ Bordeaux - CHU de Bordeaux (2009-2014)


Education & Training

PhD in Pharmacoepidemiology - Epidemiology and Public Health, Univ Bordeaux (2008)

Impact of cholinesterase inhibitors use in Alzheimer's disease and apparented dementias

Pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacovigilance assessment from French and Canadian (RAMQ) medico-administrative databases


MSc in Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Univ Bordeaux (2004)

Use of benzodiazepine and the risk for serious falls in the elderly Epidemiology, Biostatistics, pharmacoepidemiology, Impact evaluation


MD in Public Health, Univ Bordeaux (2005)

Public Health, epidemiology, Health systems organisation, Quality of care assessment, Epidemiology of ageing, Pharmacovigilance

Treatments for Alzheimer's disease and other dementias: a state of the art

Scientific summary

Graduated from the medical faculty of Bordeaux as an MD with specialisation in Public Health, A. Pariente completed his medical training with a complementary specialisation in Pharmacology. Concomitantly to his medical studies, he obtained a Master Degree in Public Health at the Bordeaux Institute of Public Health and further completed his research training with a PhD in pharmacoepidemiology (University of Bordeaux-University of Montreal). His main research axes in pharmacoepidemiology focus on the elder and chronic diseases ; they focus in methods and biases for safety signal detection from spontaneous reporting in pharmacovigilance.

Image d’exemple