Sylvie Fournel
  • E-mail :[email]
  • Phone : 03 68 85 41 73
  • Location : Strasbourg, France
Last update 2022-02-01 16:52:30.655

Sylvie Fournel Professor of Immunology (PREC1); Deputy dean, Life science Faculty , Strasbourg

Course and current status

Since 2012                                Professor of Immunology (PREC1) UMR 7199 CNRS-Université de Strasbourg – Laboratoire de Conception et Application de Molécules Bioactives (CAMB)- 3bio team. Faculté de Pharmacie- Illkirch, France

2006-2012                                 Professor of Immunology (PR2) UPR 9021 CNRS, Immunologie et Chimie Thérapeutiques (ICT), Institut de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire (IBMC), Strasbourg, France.

2003                                         "Habilitation to conduct research" (HDR), Strasbourg University

1999-2006                                 Maître de conférences (Associate professor), UPR 9021 CNRS, Immunologie et Chimie Thérapeutiques (ICT), Institut de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire (IBMC), Strasbourg, France

1997-1999                                 Post-doctoral Fellow in the group of Dr. P. Le Bouteiller, INSERM U 395, Toulouse, France

1996                                         PhD in Immunology University Claude Bernard, Lyon, with honours

1991-1997                                 PhD student and then assistant professor (ATER) Pr. J.P. Revillard' lab, INSERM U80, Lyon, France.


1991                                         Agrégation de Sciences Naturelles ("senior secondary school teaching qualifications in biology" with a national competitive examination) 

1988                                         Student at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (French "Grande Ecole" with a national competitive examination)

Scientific summary

Immunomodulation using nanoparticles or biomaterials : Evaluation of molecules and/or devices allowing i) to induce an effective immune response against tumors and ii) to block deleterious inflammatory responses

Image d’exemple