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Last update 2022-03-07 20:22:46.461

Steve Lancel PhD Cell Biology

Course and current status

Current position: Professor in cell biology – Lille University, France

Head of ‘Aging Mitochondria Inflammation’ group in Pr Boulanger’s team - UMR1167, Lille, France

Former positions:

2013-2020: Associate Professor at INSERM UMR1011 (Head: B Staels), Lille, France. Topic: ‘Role of unfolded protein response, mitochondria and circadian rhythm in skeletal muscle’

2007-2012: Associate Professor at EA4484 (Head: R Neviere), Lille, France. Topic: ‘Role of mitochondria in metabolic syndrome-related cardiac dysfunction’

2006-2007:      Postdoctoral fellow at Boston University Medical Center, Cardiovascular Institute (Head: WS Colucci), Boston, USA. Title: ‘Role of oxidative post-translational modifications in heart failure’


Academic training: 

Fac. Sciences and Technology, Univ Lille, France, Master 2, 2002, Cell biology and physiology

Fac. Medicine, Univ Lille, France, Ph.D 2005, Cell biology

Fac. Medicine, Univ Lille, France, HDR 2009 Cell biology

Scientific summary

Steve Lancel is an expert in mitochondrial and muscular physiology in inflammatory contexts. He first started with a PhD in sepsis-induced cardiomyopathy showing that caspases may be involved in contractile dysfunction without inducing apoptosis. He then moved to Boston to explore the role of oxidative stress on mitochondria and calcium homeostasis in the heart. Back to France, he explored the impact on caspases on calcium and mitochondrial function in a model of sepsis-induced cardiomyopathy. He then further explored how mitochondria and calcium homeostasis participate to muscle dysfunction. He is now group leader to understand how mitochondria is able to promote skeletal muscle aging in mouse and cellular models

Image d’exemple