Cécile Chevrier
  • E-mail :[email]
  • Phone : +33223236126
  • Location : Rennes, France
Last update 2022-02-07 19:02:01.514

Cécile Chevrier PhD Epidemiology in Environmental Health

Course and current status

Current Position: Senior Investigator (Directeur de recherche), Team leader “Lifecourse epidemiology and exposure science for environmental health”

INSERM, UMR 1085 IRSET Research Institute for Health, Environment and Work, 9 avenue du Professeur Léon Bernard, F-35000 Rennes, France, www.irset.org

  • Previous positions

2007-2018      Researcher, tenure position (Chargé de recherche; INSERM, Rennes, France)
2007-8           Visiting scientist, University of Southern Denmark (Odense, Denmark)
2006              Post-doctorant, University of Southern Denmark (Odense, Denmark); Pr. Kaare Christensen (Epidemiology Department), Pr. Philippe Grandjean (Environmental Medicine department)

  • Education

2014              HDR (Habilitation to supervise research), University Rennes 1
2005              PhD in Epidemiology, “Gene-environment interaction in the etiology of oral clefts”, University Paris XI; Dir. Dr. Sylvaine CORDIER, INSERM
2001              Engineering training and Diploma of the National School of Statistics and Information Analysis (ENSAI, Rennes, France – University-level college, grande école)

  • Main expertise / scientific committee

2021-now        Scientific Committee of EHESP (The French National School of Public Health), member.
2019-now        Prevention and Precaution Committee (Ministry of Ecology), member.
2019-now        Expert group « Phyto-Pharmaco-Vigilance » (ANSES), President.
2018-2021      Collective expert committee INSERM « Pesticides et Santé, mise à jour », member.
2013-2020       Scientific committee for the « Utilisation domestiques de pesticides » study (ANSES), member.
2011-now        Working scientific group « Chemical substances » for the national ELFE birth cohort, member.
2014-2019       Scientific committee Santé Publique et Environnement, Fondation de France, member (2014-2017) and President (2018-2019)
2014-2019       Expert group « Endocrine disrupters » (ANSES), member.
2009-11           Collective expert committee INSERM « Reproduction et Environnement », member.
2008-10           Expert group « Expositions, imprégnations et déterminants de l'exposition aux pesticides en population générale » for Comité d’Orientation et de Prospective scientifique de l’Observatoire des Résidus de Pesticides (ANSES), member.

  • Teaching experiences

2006-now        Teaching in epidemiology: University of Rennes I / University Paris XI / Master of Public Health of EHESP/ ISPED Bordeaux
2004-7            Teaching in statistics - ENSAI university-level college

Scientific summary

My research activities aim at studying the role of early-life exposure to environmental contaminants (current-used pesticides, persistent organic pollutants, flame retardants, solvents...) on pregnancy outcomes, child health including growth and overweight, neuropsychological development and brain functionning, and puberty, according to the Dohad concept (Developmental origins of health and disease).

Image d’exemple