PhD in Computational Biology INRA Nantes University
Visiting Assistant Professor at Cornell University NY USA
Junior Scientist INRA Nantes
Senior Scientist Institut Pasteur Paris
Research Director INRAE Jouy-en-Josas
HDR in Computational biology of signalling proteins
ORCID 0000-0001-6814-7859
I work as a structural computational biologist at INRAE, on the Campus of Jouy-en-Josas, in MaIAGE: Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, from Genome to Environment. This lab is headed by Dr. S. Schbath, and has a co-sharing divisions of MIA (Applied Mathematics and Informatics) and MICA (Microbiology and Food Chain). I belong to the StatInfoMics team headed by Dr. P. Nicolas.
My interests deal with i) the functional and structural profiling of Mfd a bacterial nanomachine protein which is an evolvability and a virulence factor for antibiotic resistance and ii) computational screening of whole genomes and metagenomes to infer proteins structures and functional annotations. I have special focus on proteins of the gut microbiome which are involved in biomedical properties such as host-pathogen or anti-inflammatory signaling. My primary interest deals with prokaryotic signaling through phosphorylation and dephosphorylation events, mediated by protein Ser/Thr kinases and protein Tyr phosphatases, respectively. I also have fruitful collaborations with biologists from Micalis-INRA, IPBS Toulouse or collaborators from South America and I aim to infer on the combo sequence/structure/function/dynamics for the analysis of their favorite protein(s).
For all my projects, i combine structural and computational bioinformatics, molecular modeling expertise, X-ray crystallography skills, with in vitro/in vivo data from my collaborators, whose methods span biophysics, biochemistry, cellular biology, neurobiology, and immunology.