January 1994: Habilitation to conduct research (HDR) University Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France
December 1988: PhD, University of Freiburg, Germany
Mai 1985: State exam, Biology, University of Freiburg, Germany
Employment history:
2001- Full Professor (PR1), University of Burgundy, INSERM 1231, Dijon, France
1999-2001 Associate Professor, Faculty of Dentistry/INSERM U977, Strasbourg, France
1996-1999 Post-doctoral fellow, UMR 7514 CNRS, Illkirch, France
1994-1996 Post-doctoral fellow, UPR 9050 CNRS, Illkirch, France
1994 Invited Professor (6 months), Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg, France
1991-1994 Research fellow, Laboratory of Endocrinology, ZFL, Basel, Switzerland
1989-1990 Post-doctoral fellow, Max-Planck Institute of Immunology, Freiburg, F.R.G.
1985-1988 Doctoral student, Max-Planck Institute of Immunology, Freiburg, F.R.G.
Fellowships and awards:
2001 IFRO Award for "therapeutical innovations"
1998 -1999 German Research Foundation Fellowship (DFG)
1997 Post-doctoral fellowship from the French Cancer LIGUE
1994-1996 Marie Curie Individual Fellowship
1988-1991 Max-Planck postdoctoral Fellowship
Scientific expertise, advisory boards, administration:
Titular member of the French National Board of Universities (CNU) section 65 (2007-2019)
External AERES expert
Expert for funding agencies :
DIM-MALINF, Conseil Régional d'Ile-de-France
PRES Paris Sorbonne
ULCO Université du Littoral, BQR
DIM1Health, Conseil Régional d'Ile-de-France
Medical Research Scotland (UK)
Fonds de Recherche du Québéc-Programme Samuel-De-Champlain (Canada)
Chair of the selection board, sections 64 and 65 of the University of Burgundy (since 2008)
Our current research interest is the function of HSP1 in vivo. Recently, we have performed the CRISP/Cas9 knockout of Hsp1 in zebrafish. The knockout studies have defined essential in vivo roles in erythropoiesis, circadian cycle and behavior. We continue to follow these processes in vitro in human cells.