Since 2021 - Engineer within Gaudenzio Lab in the Toulouse Insititute for Infectious and Inflammatory diseases (INFINITY, UMR 1291).
2019/2021 - MSc Bioniformatics and System Biology
2017/2019 - BSc Biochemistery, Molecular Biology and Microbiology
2012/2014 - Advanced Technician Diploma in Medical Biology Analysis
Specialized in clinical biology, I am currently working on the regulation of the inflammatory response by the neuronal system.
To achieve this goal, I perform several multiomic data analysis (lipidomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, ...).
I am also in charge of building and maintaining the workflows and the analysis pipeline of the lab, as well as providing my collaborators with tools to facilitate their data exploration.
Finally, I set up trainings to make biologists aware of the tools, methods and specific problems of my field of activity.