Estelle Oberlin Role of the microenvironment in the regulation of human embryonic, adult and neoplastic hematopoietic stem cells
Course and current status
Researcher | Jan 2004 To Dec 2025 |Inserm U1197 “Interactions between stem cells and their niches in physiology, tumors and tissue repair (SToRM)” , Villejuif , France
1. Role of the Microenvironment in the Regulation of Human Embryonic, Adult and Neoplastic Hematopoietic Stem Cells
2. Immunosuppresive and Immunomodulatory Properties of Human Fetal Liver Mesenchymal Stem Cells
Researcher | Jan 2000 To Dec 2003 | Inserm U935 | Inserm U602 | Inserm U506, Villejuif, France
1. Identification and Characterization of Endo-Hematopoietic Stem Cells in the Human Embryonic Liver
2. Identification of Hemogenic Endothelial Cells in the Human Embryonic Aorta
Post-Doctoral Fellow | Jan 1997 To Dec 1999 | Theodor Kocher Institute, Bern, Switzerland
1. Signal transduction by Chemokine Receptors in Human T Lymphocytes
Ph.D Fellow | Sept 1994 To Dec 1997 | Pasteur Institute | Paris, France
1. Chemokines and Chemokine Receptors Involvement in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection
Scientific summary
My research is carried out in the Inserm unit UMR-S-MD 1197 created in 2020 for 5 years and entitled "Stem cell-niche interactions: physiology, tumors and tissue repair".
The principal research axis to which I am devoted proposes to study and characterize the bi-directional niche/ hematopoietic stem cell interactions in physiological situations in the human embryo and during the adult life as well as in acute myeloid leukemia.
I am also studiyng the immunosuppresive and immunomodulatory properties of human fetal liver mesenchymal stem cells versus neonatal and adult mesenchymal stem cells.