Mathilde Carpentier PhD Bioinformatics

Course and current status

After a PhD in bioinformatics on protein structural comparison and classification (2001-2005) at Université Pierre and Marie Curie (UPMC, Paris), I have developed skills in viral metagenomics during my post-doctoral fellowship (ATER, 2005-2006) at Université Denis Diderot (Paris). Since I have been recruted at UPMC (2006), and I have divided my time between teaching algorithmic, programming languages and bioinformatics to students in computer science and students in biology, while performing research in various fields of bioinformatics. I have spent 6 months in 2007 in Stanford (California, USA) as invited researcher at Michael Levitt Lab, working on protein structural classification in order to build a database for fold recognition. I have been the principal investigator of a grant for preliminary studies (PEPS BMI 2013 and 2014) for oceanic metaviromics annotation and analyses presented in a conference and resulted in a publication. I have published several major articles on protein structure analyses as well.

Scientific summary

Protein Structure Evolution, Protein Alignment Algorithm, Structural Bioinformatics, Virus, Metaviromics, Computational biology, evolution, bioinformatics.

Image d’exemple