2012 : Member of "CREaT" team (Cancer Resistance Exploring and Targeting), Auvergne University (EA7283, ex-EA3846 from 2004 to 2012), Clermont Ferrand.
Responsable of the Master of « Physique et Technologies des Rayonnements pour l’Industrie et la Physique Médicale », Blaise Pascal University, Clermont-Ferrand
Since 2006 : Scientific committee coordinator of the French Medical Physicist Association (SFPM)
Since 2004 : In charge of teaching at the “Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires (CEA. Centre de Saclay. Gif sur Yvette)” within the frame of the diploma of qualification in medical and radiological physics : « Interest and outlooks of MRI in radiotherapy ».
Since 1991: Medical physicist, Departement of radiotherapy and imaging, Centre Jean Perrin, Regional Cancer Center, Clermont Ferrand, France
2007: Accreditation diploma to supervise research (“habilitation à diriger des recherches”) : « Quantitative analysis of MRI in cancerology. » Université Paul Sabatier-Toulouse III.
1996: PHD in physics, specialty medical and radiological physics : « Optimization of the contrast of imaging using Nilcear Magnetic Resonance. ». Université Paul Sabatier-Toulouse III.
1991: Master (diplôme d’études approfondies) in medical physics : « physique radiologique et médicale ». Université Paul Sabatier-Toulouse III.
During my 1992-1996 PhD program, I developped and validated on test object (ie EUROSPIN) and in vivo, a rapid relaxation times measurement method by MRI (MRI-quantitative method) and a simulation method to evaluate the contrast in MRI with the aim to optimize the use of contrast media in clinical imaging. In collaboration with INRA-Theix, these method were applied to characterize in vivo rabbit muscle fiber types. Since 2000, I developped and applied the MRI-quantitaive method in two ways : (i) to verify the 3D dose distribution delivered by radiotherapy beams using a new 3D chemical dosimeter with MRI reading in collaboration with French national laboratory of metrology (LNHB) and Paul Sabatier University ; this method will be able to measure precisely (2 mm) the 3D dose for new treatment modalities such as IMRT and stereotactic conditions (Euramett Project, JPR14 2012 accepted) and (ii) to develop and validate by multicenter clinical trial a physiological tumor parameters quantification by dynamic relaxometry MRI ; the objective of this method is to have a more effective prediction of tumour response to radiation therapy and to improve efficiency of MRI diagnosis : benign vs malignant tumour. In CREaT team, this MRI approach contributes to the spatial tumour targeting in combination with biological targeting.