Dr Ghislain Bidaut installed the Integrative Bioinformatics team Cibi (Web Site) at the CRCM (Centre de recherche en Cancérologie de Marseille) in 2008 for setting up large-scale data analysis and bioinformatics in cancerology. Dr G Bidaut did his Ph.D with a major in bioinformatics at the Aix-Marseille University, co-mentored by Jean-Michel Claverie (IGC, CNRS) and Michael F. Ochs (Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, USA) during which he analyzed expression data on yeast deletion mutant. After his Ph.D., he did a two-years postdoc at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in Chris Stoeckert’s group, where he designed a method for multi-centric data integration analysis in transcriptome. Dr. Bidaut has been heading Cibi since 2008 after successfully applying for funding.
With the input of Dr Bidaut, Cibi has developed a strong background in systems biology and high throughput data analysis in several areas of biology with an expertise in network biology of cancer since the development of the ITI (Interactome-Transcriptome Integration) project (ITI project) among others. ITI is designed to detect pathway deregulation linked to metastasis relapse in breast cancer.
Aditionally, Dr Bidaut has a strong expertise to integrate and optimize visualization methods to ease interpretation. He also has a strong expertise in algorithmics and bioinformatics development. Dr Bidaut has access to a High Performance Computing (HPC) infrastructure at CRCM.