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Scientific topics


Last update 2024-03-14 22:50:06.537

Spase Petkoski PhD Nonlinear Biomedical Physics

Course and current status

2014-2022 post doc at Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes (INS, UMR1106)

2022- present CR INSERM at INS

Scientific summary

I am interested in applying concepts from nonlinear dynamics for better understanding of brain function. Besides the more theoretical background on synchronization, at INS I used brain network models with The Virtual Brain to study the effect of axonal delays.

Lately, my focus has shifted to mechanistic understanding of resting state activity in the brain. Together with my work on integrating more biophysically relevant details in the models and the model inversion, this should lead to development of digital twin brain, which will allow clinical translation for neurodegenerative disorders. 

Image d’exemple