Valentina Taglietti
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  • Location : Creteil, France

Version françaiseValentina Taglietti

Last update 2024-07-31 12:02:50.609

Valentina Taglietti Valentina TAGLIETTI, PhD

Course and current status

Education and Training:

2024-ongoing, Chargés de recherche de classe normale CRCN, INSERM, Créteil, France

2018 - 2023, Post-doctoral researcher, Inserm, Créteil, France

2017 - 2018, Post-doctoral researcher, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italie

20th March 2017, PhD defense. Thesis: Unravelling the molecular signalling regulating embryonic and fetal myogenesis: the role of nfix as master gene in regulating fetal genetic.

2013 - 2017, PhD in molecular and cellular Biology, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italie

2011 - 2013, Master in Biology applied to the Medical Research (110/110 cum laude)

2008 - 2011, Bachelor in Biosciences (110/110 cum laude)


Scientific summary

The academic and professional journey of Valentina Taglietti reflects a remarkable devotion to research and teaching in the field of neuromuscular system biology. Since January 2024, as a Research Scientist CSS1 (CRCN) at INSERM within Professor Relaix's team at the Mondor Institute of Biomedical Research, Dr. Taglietti has continued to develop her expertise and make significant contributions to the understanding of muscular diseases. Her academic path is marked by a series of significant achievements. After obtaining her PhD in 2017 with a thesis on the molecular mechanisms of embryonic and fetal myogenesis, Dr. Taglietti undertook a post-doctoral fellowship focusing on the role of muscle stem cells in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. This research was supported by two prestigious fellowships, including from Labex Revive and the Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale. The results of her work have been published in renowned journals such as Science Translational Medicine, Acta Neuropathologica Communications, and Development, which testifies to the quality of her research. In addition to her research achievements, Dr. Taglietti has also distinguished herself as a teacher and supervisor. She has successfully mentored several master's and doctoral students, demonstrating her commitment to the development of young researchers. Regarding her role as a doctoral supervisor, she began supervising doctoral candidates during her post-doctorate, after having mentored more than 13 Master's students (Master 1 and Master 2) during her PhD and post-doctorate. Currently, she co-supervises five doctoral candidates: Busra Mirciloglu, Andreea Cojocaru, Joelle Hajjar, Estelle Giri and Claudia Santos. Recently, she completed specific training on "Supervising PhD Students," recognizing the crucial importance of mentoring in training future researchers. Alongside her academic activities, Valentina Taglietti has developed a network of national and international collaborations and participated in research projects in partnership with the pharmaceutical industry. Additionally, from 2021 to 2024, Valentina Taglietti taught in several Master's programs at the Université Paris-Est (UPEC), covering a wide range of topics in biology, pathology, and therapies for neuromuscular diseases. She has given lectures on the functional evaluation of neuromuscular disorders, muscle regeneration, skeletal muscle atrophy and hypertrophy, as well as on preclinical animal models of these diseases. Her teaching experience also includes practical work in cell biology, molecular biology tutorials, and courses on cell and molecular biology techniques. Dr. Taglietti takes pride in carefully preparing her courses, ensuring that students acquire the necessary skills while promoting active participation in a motivating and interactive atmosphere. Her expertise in muscular diseases has been widely recognized, as evidenced by her invitations to present her work at national and international conferences and her role in organizing congresses and training sessions. Dr. Taglietti was notably a member of the organizing committee for the 5th International Conference on Stem Cells in Heraklion, Greece, in 2023, and co-organizer of the EMBO workshop on muscle formation, maintenance, regeneration, and pathology in Gouvieux, France, in 2022. Additionally, she was a member of the young committee of the Interuniversity Institute of Myology (IIM) for the IIM annual meetings in Italy from 2017 to 2019. Dr. Taglietti has also presented her work at numerous conferences, such as the Rare Disease Reference Center Day at Rothschild Hospital in Paris in March 2024 and the Muscle Symposium in Osaka, Japan, in May 2023. Moreover, she has actively participated in congresses and poster presentations, including the AFM-Myology Congress in Paris in April 2024 and the World Muscle Society Virtual Congress in October 2020. Her commitment to disseminating research extends beyond scientific conferences to public media, where she was interviewed by several national Italian newspapers in March 2023 to discuss her discoveries in muscular dystrophy. This diverse experience demonstrates her dedication to sharing her knowledge and contributing to the training of the next generation of scientists. In recognition of her scientific excellence, Dr. Taglietti has received several awards and distinctions. She has won three best oral presentation awards and three best poster awards at various national and international congresses. Additionally, her commitment and outstanding contributions have also been supported by three travel grants to attend international conferences. These awards and grants highlight the recognition of her remarkable achievements in scientific research. Dr. Taglietti receives prestigious funding to support her research activity as an independent Principal Investigator (PI) in 2024. This includes the ANR, AAPG 2024 JCJC - EOM-REGARD grant (36 months, 405,195€) as Coordinator, the AFM Research Grants - SR 2024 for the homeostasis and repair of extraocular muscle myofibres (36 months, 25,000€) as Partner, and the IMRB-Faculty of Health cross-teams projects grant (12 months, 10,000€) in both 2022 and 2024 as PI, supporting the value of her research activities. In conclusion, Valentina Taglietti's journey testifies to her exceptional commitment to scientific research and teaching, as well as her ability to lead innovative and collaborative research projects. Her contributions to understanding the mechanisms of muscular dystrophy and her dedication to training young researchers make Dr. Taglietti an exceptionally qualified candidate for the Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches. Her dedication to academic excellence and enlightened leadership promises to guide and inspire the next generation of researchers in the field of neuromuscular system biology.

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