Juliette CHAUVIN
  • E-mail :[email]
  • Phone : 0769635906
  • Location : Villeurbanne, France

Version françaiseJuliette CHAUVIN

Last update 2024-09-27 15:08:25.275

Juliette CHAUVIN Environmental health biostatistician

Course and current status


Claude Bernard University Lyon 1, France



Biostatistics for health

University of Franche-Comté, France



Life Sciences – Biology ecology



Since Sep 2024


Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon

Prevention Cancer Environment department

Jan 2024 to Jul 2024

Biostatistician student  

Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon

Prevention Cancer Environment department

Avr 2023 to jul 2023

Biostatistician student  

CHU Besançon – CIC Inserm 1431

Clinical Research, Epidemiology and Public Health Methodology Unit


Scientific summary

My work involves the statistical processing of environmental exposure data as risk factors for various cancers. This involves both simple descriptive analyses and the study of potential correlations (comparison of means, logistic models, mixed models, etc.). 

My main research topic focuses on pesticide exposure and testicular cancer risk in the TESTIS case-control study. Later on, I will normally work on air pollution exposure and breast cancer risk. 

Image d’exemple