Since 2019 Group Leader, Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Grenoble
2023 Inserm Research Director (DR)
2018 Research Director Habilitation (HDR) Chemistry, University Grenoble-Alpes
2017 Inserm Scientist (CR1), Institute for Advanced Biosciences (IAB), Grenoble
2013-2015 EMBL Staff Scientist, Grenoble
2008-2013 EMBL Postdoctoral Fellow, Cusack’s Lab, Grenoble
2008 PhD in Chemistry & Biotechnology, Dept. of Physical-Chemistry, University of Granada
2002 University Graduate in Chemistry, Faculty of sciences, University of Granada
Our research group uses an integrated structural biology, computational and biophysical approach combined with functional studies to understand the inhibition mechanisms of novel protein-RNA targets involved in human diseases and translate it to develop novel therapeutics.