Satish Babu Moparthi PhD in Biochemistry from Linköping University, Sweden

Course and current status


2021—now Postdoc Researcher at INSERM - Myology Research Center, Sorbonne Université, Institute of Myology, Paris, France. 


2017 - 2020    Postdoc Researcher- Institut Pasteur, Paris, France 

2012 - 2016    Postdoc Researcher – Institut Fresnel, Marseille, France

2010 - 2011    Postdoc Researcher – CIB, CSIC, Madrid, Spain


2005 – 2010   PhD fellowship from the Swedish Research Council.

Scientific summary

I am a scientist with a strong background in experimental cell biology, biophysics, protein-protein interactions, experience with super-resolution light microscopic techniques, and the innovative PREM method to study dynamic cellular structures. I combine molecular biology with correlative electron microscopy techniques to understand the ultrastructures of cytoskeletal networks and autolysosomes with nanoscale precision and how they are altered in the pathophysiology of human diseases such as centronuclear myopathy and myotonic dystrophy.

Image d’exemple