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  • Location : LIMOGES, France
Last update 2012-08-30 00:14:04.585

Marie-Cécile PLOY PU-PH

Course and current status


2002: Research Direction Habilitation (Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches), Univ Limoges, France

2000: PhD  University of Paris XI, France

1994:  Pharm. D. (Doctorat en Pharmacie), Specialization in Microbiology (DES Pharmacie  Spécialisée), Univ limoges, France

1992: Post-Graduate Diploma (Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies) in Microbiology, Univ Paris XI, France

1991: Master degree (Maîtrise ) in Molecular and Cellular Biology, Univ Limoges, France


Ph.D. « Genetic vehicle of aminoglycoside resistance in Gram-negative bacteria ». 1994-1998, Pasteur Institute, Unité des Agents Antibactériens, Pr Courvalin

Post-graduate training « Detection of aac(6')-I genes in amikacin resistant Acinetobacter spp. by the polymerase chain reaction ». 1992, Pasteur Institute, Unité des Agents Antibactériens, Pr Courvalin

Post-Doctoral position, Sept 2003 – Sept 2004, Pasteur Institute, Unité Instulante « Plasticité du génome bactérien », D. Mazel


students in medicine, masters, DES of medical biology, continuing training for biologists and general practitioners



1994-1998 : Assistant hospitalo-universitaire (Limoges University and Limoges hospital, France), 

1998-2005 : Assistant Professor (MCU-PH, Limoges University and Limoges hospital, France), 

Since Sep 2005 : Professor (PU-PH, Limoges University and Limoges hospital, France), 

Since 2008: Head of the microbiolgy department, CHU Limoges

2008-2011: Head of the E13175 reserach unit/Inserm Avenir contract

Since 2012: Head of the Inserm unit UMR 1092

Scientific summary

Bacteria possess a variety of highly complex genetic elements that allow the horizontal transfer of resistance genes to members of different species or even different genera. Along with transposons and plasmids, integrons are important genetic substrates for resistance genes. Integrons capture and express resistance genes contained in so-called “gene cassettes”. 

Our research concerns the study of the regulation of the integron integrase and resistance gene cassettes expression,  particularly on the role of the SOS response and on transcriptional interference. 

Furthermore, we develop clinical and translational research of the relevance of integrons as a marker of antibiotic resistance in different ecosystems (human, animal, environment).. 

Image d’exemple