PhD (june 1998) - Université de Bretagne Occidentale, BREST (29)
January 1999 – September 2000.
Post-doctoral Posotion - Department of Pharmacology and Physiology - University of Rochester-Medical Center (USA) - Laboratoire du Pr Trevor Shuttleworth.
September 2000 – September 2004 : Lecturer - Maitre de Conférences
Université Paris XI – Faculté des Sciences d’Orsay - UMR 8162 Remodelage Tissulaire et Fonctionnel : Signalisation et Physiopathologie. IPSC (IFR 13).
January 2004 – may 2009 :
Assistant Professor: Dpt of Pharmacology and Physiology University of Rochester Medical Center (NY-USA) - Wedd visiting professor
My scientific activity is centered on caclium signaling in non-excitable cells and more precisely on calcium influx supported by ORAI proteins and regulation by STIM1 proteins. I am trying to decipher the different influx pathways and their respective roles in normal and pathologic conditions such as cancer, pancreatitis or cystic fibrosis