SYLVIANE MAROUILLAT Ingenior in Genomics and Molecular Biology

Course and current status

Current Position: IE1 Inserm, Inserm Unit 930 "Imaging and Brain", Tours, France

1994 : Ingenior position at INSERM, at U295 unit "Pulmonary and Renal Genetic and Physiopathology", Rouen, France (Director : Dr J.P. Martin).

Since 1996 : Ingenior position at UMR « Imaging and Brain » INSERM U930, Tours, France (Director : Pr Denis Guilloteau). Team "Neurogenetics and neurometabolomics"

2011 : PhD, University François Rabelais de Tours (France), subject : Study of chromosomal structural changes in autism and mental deficiency.

Scientific summary

I exercise in the team "Neurogenetics and neurométabolomics "on the theme" genetics of autism and mental deficiencies. "

The objective of our team is to identify new genes, epigenetic mechanisms and metabolic abnormalities involved in mental deficiency (MD) and autism.

My work is orientated along two axes :
- Responsibility in molecular biology  for my research team where
aim to develop and coordinate molecular biology technology.
Technical responsibility on the
academic platform "analysis of biological systems" of the University of Tours, where I train users and students with  QPCR, microarray, CGH-array and sequencing technology.

I am also responsible of safety for my team. I inform each new member of the Unit of specific risks associated with the research activity in their laboratory.

Image d’exemple