Current Position: IE1 Inserm, Inserm Unit 930 "Imaging and Brain", Tours, France
1994 : Ingenior position at INSERM, at U295 unit "Pulmonary and Renal Genetic and Physiopathology", Rouen, France (Director : Dr J.P. Martin).
Since 1996 : Ingenior position at UMR « Imaging and Brain » INSERM U930, Tours, France (Director : Pr Denis Guilloteau). Team "Neurogenetics and neurometabolomics"
2011 : PhD, University François Rabelais de Tours (France), subject : Study of chromosomal structural changes in autism and mental deficiency.
I exercise in the team "Neurogenetics and neurométabolomics "on the theme" genetics of autism and mental deficiencies. "
The objective of our team is to identify new genes, epigenetic mechanisms and metabolic abnormalities involved in mental deficiency (MD) and autism.
My work is orientated along two axes :
- Responsibility in molecular biology for my research team where I aim to develop and coordinate molecular biology technology.
- Technical responsibility on the academic platform "analysis of biological systems" of the University of Tours, where I train users and students with QPCR, microarray, CGH-array and sequencing technology.
I am also responsible of safety for my team. I inform each new member of the Unit of specific risks associated with the research activity in their laboratory.