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  • Location : MARSEILLE, France
Last update 2012-09-19 16:37:08.798

Sandrine HENRI PhD Biomedical

Course and current status

1994-1998 Master 2 and PhD - INSERM U399 La Timone Marseille FRANCE

Team Leader Alain Dessein

1999-2001 Post doctoral Fellow Walter and Eliza hall Institute, Melbourne AUSTRALIA Team leader Ken Shortman

2002-2005 Post doctoral Fellow Centre d'Immunologie Marseille Luminy, Marseille FRANCE Team Leader Lee Leserman

Since 2005: Permanent position as staff scientist (CR INSERM) Centre d'Immunologie Marseille-Luminy - Team Leader Bernard&Marie Malissen


2012 HDR


Scientific summary

Over the last five years, our group has largely contributed to decipher the complexity of the skin DC network. We have created innovative mouse models (Lang-EGFP and Lang-EGFPDTR) that allowed us to discover a new DC subset in the dermis (CD207+ DDCs). In the frame of this achievement, we further disentangled the skin as well as the gut DC and macrophages complexity and started to unravel the functions of some specific DC and macrophage subsets.

Lien pubMed >> http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=Henri S[Author]

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