William PALAU
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  • Phone : +33 5 40 00 30 39
  • Location : Bordeaux, France

Version françaiseWilliam PALAU

Last update 2023-04-10 21:17:33.29

William PALAU M.D./Ph.D.

Course and current status

2015-2023: Medicinae Doctor (M.D.) 
Université de Bordeaux, France.

2016-2019: Medical Extern: Bordeaux Hospital University Center, France.

2019-2023: Medical Resident: Reims Hospital University Center, France.


2012-2015: Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) in Biochemistry.
Université de Bordeaux, France.

Ph.D. Student in the Inserm 869 unity, Dr. Jean-Louis Mergny's team.

Development and realisation of 4 collaborative research projects studying regulatory molecular interactions in HCV, HIV-1 and Hepatoblastoma by Surface Plasmon Resonance. Publication of 6 articles in peer-reviewed international scientific journals and results presentation in conferences. Involved in grant proposal writing, in the mentoring of undergraduate interns and the organization of young scientists symposium.

Thesis: Methodological development in surface plasmon resonance and its applications to the study of viral regulatory mechanisms.


2013-2015: Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Information.
Laboratory of Excellence Advanced Materials by Design (AMADEus), Bordeaux, France.

Development and animation of scientific workshops in High Schools and cultural events.


2010-2012: Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Biochemistry.
Université Victor Segalen Bordeaux II, France.

Biochemistry, Biophysics and Pharmacology.

Internship in the Inserm 869 unity, Dr. Jean-Jacques Toulmé's team.

Research project realisation. Scientific monitoring.

Thesis: Characterization of RNA-RNA interactions implicated in the viral cycle regulation of the hepatitis C virus by biochemical and biophysical techniques. 

Thesis: Validation of a new device of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) for the uses of the laboratory. Adaptation and validation of an equation made for the characterization of ternary complexes by SPR under BIAevaluation 4.1.1.


2006-2010: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Cellular Biology and Physiology.
Université Bordeaux I, France.

Cellular and Molecular Biology, Physiology, Microbiology, Immunology, Genetics, Histology, Biochemistry, Chimistry, Physics and Mathematics.

Scientific summary

List of Publications:

In Refereed Journals:

Hepatitis C Virus study:

Direct evidence for RNA-RNA interactions at the 3'end of the Hepatitis C virus genome using surface plasmon resonance.
William Palau, Cyril Masante, Michel Ventura, Carmelo Di Primo.
RNA. Volume 19, Issue 7, July 2013, Pages 982–991.

Mutations of the SL2 dimerization sequence of the hepatitis C genome abrogate viral replication.
Cyril Masante, Chloé Jaubert, William Palau, Jacqueline Plissonneau, Lucie Besnard, Michel Ventura, Carmelo Di Primo.
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences. Volume 72, Issue 17, September 2015, Pages 3375-3385.

Surface Plasmon Resonance methodological development:

Single-cycle kinetic analysis of ternary DNA complexes by surface plasmon resonance on a decaying surface.
William Palau, Carmelo Di Primo.
Biochimie. Volume 94, Issue 9, September 2012, Pages 1891–1899.

Simulated single-cycle kinetics improves the design of surface plasmon resonance assays.
William Palau, Carmelo Di Primo.
Talanta. Volume 114, September 2013, Pages 211–216.

Aptamer selection by direct microfluidic recovery and surface plasmon resonance evaluation.
Eric Dausse, Aurélien Barré, Ahissan Aimé, Alexis Groppi, Alain Rico, Chrysanthi Ainali, Gilmar Salgado, William Palau, Emilie Daguerre, Macha Nikolski, Jean-Jacques Toulmé, Carmelo Di Primo.
Biosensors and Bioelectronics. Volume 80, June 2016, Pages 418-425.

In Book Chapters:

Extending ITC to Kinetics with kinITC.
Philippe Dumas, Eric Ennifar, Cyrielle Da Veiga, Guillaume Bec, William Palau, Carmelo Di Primo, Angel Piñeiro, Juan Sabin, Eva Muñoz, Javier Rial.
Methods in Enzymology. 2015. 567, 157-180.

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