Ludovic Gomez PhD Cardiovascular Pharmacology (CR1 INSERM)

Course and current status

2002: Master Cardiovascular Pharmacology – Université Claude Bernard Lyon1-France

2006: Doctorat es sciences – Cardiovascular  Pharmacology– Université Claude Bernard Lyon1-France

2007-2008: Postdoctoral training in Pr. M. Ovize’s Lab, INSERM U886, Lyon; France. Role of GSK3β in PTP regulation during postconditioning.

2008-2009: Postdoctoral research fellow, Pr. E.J. Lesnefsky’s lab in Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond VA. USA. Role of SphK2 in regulation of mitochondrial respiration and permeability transition.

2010-2011: INSERM Young researcher fellow, INSERM U1060. France. Director: M. Ovize. Molecular mechanisms involved in myocardial infarction.

2013-2016: Visitor assistant Professor at the Center of translational medecine at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA 19107

2012-present: Assistant Professor  (Chargé de Recherche) and Scientific Director of the In-vivo exploration plateform iXplora at INSERM U1060-CarMeN-“IRIS”, 59 Boulevard Pinel, 69500 Bron, France.

Scientific summary

Ludovic Gomez is an INSERM Assistant Professor in the IRIS team (Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury Syndromes) at CarMeN laboratory in Lyon (FR).

His main research focus consists in pursuing a translational research for the development of new protective strategies targeting mitochondria (PTP, GSK3β, SERCA2, calcium) during ischemia-reperfusion syndromes including myocardial infarction and more recently, post-ischemic heart failure.

Physiologist by training, Ludovic obtained his PhD in Cardiac Physiology and Pharmacology in 2006 from the University Claude Bernard Lyon1 (M. Ovize). His PhD work focused on the role of some mitochondrial functions in the mechanisms of cardiomyocyte death during ischemia-reperfusion and acute graft rejection, notably the regulation of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore.

Ludovic joined the Division of Cardiology of Pr. Edward J. Lesnefsky in 2008-2009 at the Virginia Commonwealth University of Richmond, VA. During his post-doctoral training, his research led to the discovery of new regulator of mitochondrial function, mitochondrial sphingosine-1-phosphate, a key regulator of the mitochondrial respiration and subsequent PTP opening during reperfusion injury.   

In 2013-2016, he developed a collaboration with the Pr. Shey-S. Sheu, director of the Center for Translational Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University (PA). Thanks to the proximity of the mitocare center (Pr. G. Hajnoczky), the research goal of this collaborative period was to determine mechanisms and to investigate clinical implications of GSK3β inhibition in cardioprotection with a particular interest on the understanding of how this signaling mechanism regulates the SR/ER-mitochondria Ca2+ transfer and the mitochondrial ATP generation in cardiac cells.

The expertise fields of Ludovic Gomez cover: Preclinical Research, Translational Research, Heart disease, Myocardial infarction, Post-ischemic heart failure, Remodeling, Reperfusion injury, Cardioprotection, Cell death, Apoptotic/necrotic pathways, Mitochondrial metabolism, Oxidative phosphorylation, Permeability transition pore function, GSK3β, Cyclophilin D, SERCA2, Calcium.


Recently, as Scientific Director, Ludovic developed in 2019 an in vivo exploration platform (iXplora) in the Carmen-IRIS team, allowing him to extend his area of ​​expertise to complementary models such as stroke and diabetic cardiomyopathy.

Image d’exemple