2024- Senior research scientist (DR2), INSERM (French National Health and Medical Research Institute) at the Institute of Psychiatry & Neuroscience of Paris (U1266)
2012-2024 Research scientist (CR1), INSERM (French National Health and Medical Research Institute) at the Institute of Psychiatry & Neuroscience of Paris (U1266)
2007-2012 Postdoctoral researcher at Université Paris Descartes with Prof Marc Maier, with studies on “The study of hand function in relation to spinal cord white matter”.
1996-2007 Clinical Physiotherapist in neurological rehabilitation clinics (Ireland, USA, Sweden)
2015 Habilitation, Université Paris Descartes
2007 PhD (Neuroscience), “Brain plasticity and upper limb function after stroke- some implications for rehabilitation” at the Dept for Neuroscience, Uppsala University, Sweden. Supervisors: Pr. Jörgen Borg (Uppsala University), Pr. Hans Forssberg and Dr Margareta Engardt (Karolinska Institute)
2002 M.Sc. (Physiotherapy), Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
1996 B.Sc. (Physiotherapy), Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
My work concerns the development and validation of quantitative tools for measurement and rehabilitation of dexterity in stroke (from spasticity to independent finger movements). My work covers the initial design and tool development, feasibility and validation testing, and clinical proof-of-concept studies. Combining novel quantitative measures with neurophysiology techniques (EMG, TMS) and neuroimaging (lesion mapping, DTI, fMRI) will further knowledge on mechanisms of recovery. Ultimately this work aims at improving diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of dexterity in stroke patients and other neurological disorders. I also develop methods to measure sensorimotor impairments in schizophrenia.