Patricia DOUBLET Full Professor in Molecular Bacteriology at the Université Lyon 1

Course and current status

Higher Education

2002 - Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, Université Lyon 1

1994 - Ph.D. Physiology and Genetics of Microorganisms, Université Paris XI

1991 - M. Sc. Physiology and Genetic of Microorganisms, Université Paris XI

1989 - B. Sc. Biochemistry, Université Paris VII


Current position

Full professor of Molecular Bacteriology at Université Lyon 1

Leader of the team “Legionella pathogenesis”, CIRI - INSERM U1111 CNRS UMR5308, Lyon


Other professional experiences

1991-1994 PhD research “Study of the D-glutamate biosynthesis, precursor of peptidoglycan in E.coli”, in the team "Bacterial envelopes and Antibiotics" (IBBMC, UMR 8619 CNRS-UPS, Orsay)

1994-1995 Post-doctoral associate “Biosynthesis of peptidoglycan and cell division” in the team "Bacterial envelopes and Antibiotics" (IBBMC, UMR 8619 CNRS-UPS, Orsay) on a temporary position of Assistant Professor in Biology at the Université Paris XI

1995 - 2006 Researcher on “Relationship between phosphorylation of proteins on tyrosine and virulence of pathogenic bacteria” in the team "Phosphorylation of proteins and bacterial pathogenicity" (IBCP, UMR 5086 CNRS-Lyon1, Lyon) on a permanent position of Associate Professor in Biochemistry at the Université Lyon 1

2007 - 2010 Group leader on “Role of protein-kinases in virulence of Legionella pneumophilain the team “Mechanisms controlling virulence and multidrug-resistance in L. pneumophila” (MAP, UMR 5240 CNRS-Lyon1, Lyon) on a permanent position of Full Professor in Biology at the Université Lyon 1

25 publications in international journals, H index 16

Scientific summary

P. Doublet's work aims at deciphering various molecular mechanisms that control the virulence of pathogenic bacteria, in order to identify at the long terms new therapeutic targets to improve the care of infected patients. First, her thesis in the team "Bacterial envelopes and Antibiotics" (IBBMC, UMR 8619 CNRS-UPS, Orsay) focused on one step of the peptidoglycan biosynthesis, namely the D-glutamate synthesis. She identified the glutamate racemase activity of Escherichia coli and she characterized the biochemical regulation of this activity, which has been exploited for investigating inhibitors in order to get new antibiotics. As Associate Professor at the Université Lyon 1,  P. Doublet had experience in bacterial protein phosphorylation since she worked for 11 years on this theme in the group "Phosphorylation of proteins and bacterial pathogenicity" (IBCP, UMR 5086 CNRS-Lyon1, Lyon). During this period, she made a seminal contribution on the role of tyrosine phosphorylation in bacteria. When nominated as Full Professor at the Université Lyon1 (MAP, UMR5240 CNRS-Lyon1, Lyon), she decided to still investigate protein phosphorylation and she is now interested in the role of protein kinases in the virulence of L. pneumophila, more precisely in the interaction between Legionella and its host cells. She reported for the first time that the protein kinase LegK2, unlike most of the Type 4 Secretion System effectors, plays a key role in Legionella infectious cycle, in particular in bacteria evasion from endocytic degradation and Legionella Containing Vacuole biogenesis.

P. Doublet is the leader of the team “Legionella pathogenesis” (CIRI, INSERM U1111, CNRS UMR5308) which consists in 6 researchers and 2 technical assistants. In this position, she coordinates the scientific project of the group, which has been evaluated A by the AERES in 2010. She has already coordinated 5 grants and her team is included in the selective program LABEX ECOFECT obtained in 2012 (Programme Avenir Lyon Saint-Etienne (ANR-11-IDEX-0007) of Université de Lyon, within the program "Investissements d'Avenir" operated by the French National Research Agency (ANR)). She was the advisor of 8 PhD students and member of the jury of 12 Thesis and 4 HDR. She is member of the scientific board for the organization of a national meeting on Legionella (“Sympolegio” 2011, and a new meeting planned in November 2013). She is involved in reviewing activities for international journals and associate editor of Frontiers in Microbiology.

Image d’exemple