Théophile Ohlmann PhD Biochemistry, HDR-Team Leader at the CIRI (Lyon)

Course and current status

Since 2008              Research Director Inserm (DR2)

2006                       Team Leader at the ENS de Lyon, U 758


CR 1 Inserm and HDR, Diploma to enable research supervision (Univ.Lyon I)


CR 2 Inserm (unité 412, ENS-Lyon)


Post-doc. at ENS (Lyon) with  Pr. J-L Darlix


Post doc at the University of Cambridge (England) with Pr. RJ.Jackson


PhD at the University of Sussex (England) under the supervision of Pr. VM. Pain.


Master in cell biology (Univ. Grenoble I)

Scientific summary

Our lab is interested in the molecular mechanisms that control protein syntheis in eukaryotic cells. Infected cells with different RNA viruses (HIV, HCV, Influenza....) constitute a good paradigm to decipher many viral strategies that aim at diverting the host translational apparatus. 

Key words: Translation, IRES, Ribosomes, Eukaryotic initiation factors, RNA

1- Scientific Delegate for the HCERES (2016- ) 

2-Member of the conseil scientifique of the Doctoral School BMIC (2016-2021)



Nature, PNAS, RNA, Nucleic Acid Research (Methods and Articles), Journal of Biological Chemistry, Biochemical Journal, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Oncogene, Biochemistry, PLos One, Bio-essay, BMC bioinformatics, BMC evolutionary biology, Biochemica Biophysica Acta sinica, Biochimie, Biotechniques, Translation, Virology, Viruses, J.Gen.Virol, Retrovirology, Virologie, Virus Research.


H2020 (CEE), FNRS (Belgique), FNS (Suisse), FWF (Autriche), Peter Marsden Fund (New Zealand), National Science Fundation (USA), Wellcome Trust (UK), BBSRC (UK), Fondation pour la recherche médicale (Fr), Ligue contre le cancer (Fr), Agence Nationale pour la Recherche (Fr) (Programmes blancs et jeunes chercheurs), AERES (Fr), Université Paris Descartes (Fr), Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Fr), Université Sorbonne Paris Cité (Fr.), University of Southampton (UK), Idex Paris Ile de France (Fr.), University of Surrey (UK). 


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