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  • Phone : +33 (1) 46548939
  • Location : Fontenay-aux-Roses, France
Last update 2015-05-06 15:06:35.89

Eric SOLER PhD, Biotechnology

Course and current status

Since 2014  : Head of the 'Laboratory of Molecular Hematopoiesis' (LHM), Inserm UMR 967, CEA/DSV/iRCM/LHM, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France. Funding: Atip-Avenir Fellowship

2013 : Researcher position at Inserm (CR1), Inserm UMR967, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France. Funding: ARC

2009-2012 : Group Leader, Cancer Genomics Centre, Dept. Cell Biology, Erasmus Medical Centre, The Netherlands. Funding: CGC young PI fellowship, NGI Horizon Breakthrough

2006-2009 : Post-doctoral fellow, Dept. Cell Biology, Erasmus MC, The Netherlands. Prof. Dr. Frank Grosveld's laboratory. Funding: Marie Curie intra-european fellowship

Scientific summary

Our group investigates molecular mechanisms controlling gene expression, with strong emphasis on long-range genomic interactions, and associated pathological disorders in erythroid cells.

Image d’exemple