Olivier Pascual PhD Physiology

Course and current status

Since 2016
INSERM permanent investigator (CR1) Institut NeuroMyoGène (INMG) Equipe SynatAC (J Honnorat) 8 Avenue Rockefeller 69008 Lyon (France)

2012 to 1015 INSERM permanent investigator (CR1) Neuroscience Research Center Lyon (France) From 2005 to 2012 INSERM permanent investigator (CR1) Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris

From 2002 to 2005 Post doctoral Fellow with Phil Haydon University of Pennsylvania (USA) Education 2002 PhD of Physiology at University Claude Bernard Lyon 1999 Master degree University Claude Bernard Lyon Scientific Interests Neuron Glia interaction Synaptic transmission Autoimmmune disease Encephalitis Auto-antibodies Other Member of the Scientific board for the Two-photon plateforme Member of the French Glial Cell Club Societies American Society for Neuroscience French Society for Neuroscience French Glial Cell Club

Scientific summary

Gliotransmission defines the modulation of neuronal activity by the active release of transmitters such as ATP, glutamate, D-serine and GABA by glial cells (Ben Achour and Pascual, 2010). A significant amount of evidences indicate that modulations of astrocytic gliotransmission impact various vegetative and cognitive functions such as sleep homeostatsis, memory and ventilation (Ben Achour and Pascual, 2012). Astrocytes a sub type of glial cells, have been particularly studied but the gliotransmitter release mechanisms are still controversial.

We have recently described a modulation of astrocytic gliotransmission by microglia another type of glial cells during inflammation (Pascual et al., 2012). Our goal is to better understand the communication between microglia, astrocytes and neuron and to determine how the phenotypic changes of glial cells associated to most brain diseases affects gliotransmission.

To do so we rely on live transgenic animals models, imaging and electrophysiological approaches.

Follow us on twitter: https://twitter.com/O_Pascual_lab

Image d’exemple