Jeremie Roux
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  • Phone : +33 4 93 95 77 84
  • Location : Valbonne, France
Last update 2024-09-03 21:29:40.305

Jeremie Roux PhD in Life Sciences, HDR

Course and current status

  • Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) - September 2019


Past Positions

  • Core member and consultant at A-Cube, Inc.  Belmont, CA, USA - 2005 - 2013
  • NIH T32 Research trainee in the Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Care. University of California San Francisco (UCSF), San Francisco - 2007-2010
  • American Lung Association fellow in the Departments of Anesthesia and Surgery. UCSF, San Francisco - 2005-2007
  • PhD candidate in the laboratory of J.-F. Pittet  M.D. Department of Anesthesia. UCSF, San Francisco. Thesis co-mentored by Pr. Pascal Barbry (IPMC, CNRS) - 2001-2005

Scientific summary

Predictive profiling of single-cell sensitivity to immune effectors and cancer therapeutics.keywords: oncology, oncologie, lung, poumon, single cell, cancer, inflammation. 

List of Publications

including articles not referenced in Pubmed: Google Scholar Jeremie Roux

Research effort

We have been developing a novel discovery platform for drug target identification in cancer, based on our published technology. The innovation combines multiple live-cell experimental technics (imaging, single-cell isolation & profiling...) with artificial intelligence methods to identify new therapeutic targets at the origin of cancer cell resistance. These targets are particular and new as they act on cell state transition between resistant and sensitive to a primary drug of interest. By discovering co -targets for rational drug combinations, we aim to increase the success rate of immunotherapies in development. Our systems biology group (co-affiliation of J. Roux in the MaCBES team at INRIA), is based in Sophia Antipolis, both at IPMC CNRS and Inria Côte d'Azur. 

Research Awards and Grants as Coordinator

1. Emergence et Accompagnement, Canceropôle PACA 150k€ 2023-2025
2. Young Entrepreneur Program, Labex SignaLife 150k€ 2022-2025
3. Plan Cancer Interdisciplinary approaches in oncogenic processes and therapeutic perspectives, MIC, ITMO Cancer 330k€ 2022-2025
4. Pré-maturation CNRS Innovation 100k€ 2021-2022
5. Pré-maturation Canceropôle PACA 50k€ 2021
6. Plan Cancer Biologie des Systèmes 582k€ 2018-2021
7. Thèses Inria-Inserm Médecine Numérique 150k€ 2016-2019
8. Cancéropôle PACA, Single-cell Starting Package 5k€ 2016
9. Cancéropôle PACA, Emergence Jeunes Chercheurs 30k€ 2016
10. Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowship, EC FP7-PEOPLE, REA 270k€ 2014-2016
11. Roche Sponsored Research Program at Harvard University 2x $25k 2012, 2013
12. European Respiratory Society, Lung Science Conference Award, Bursary recipient
13. NIH T32 Training Grant (Department of Anesthesia), UCSF $180k 2007-2010
14. Research Training Fellowship Award (American Lung Association of California) $65k 2006-2007
15. Senior Research Training Fellowship (American Lung Association, National) $105k 2005-2007
16. Cystic Fibrosis Research Inc., Junior investigator 12-month grant 3x $37k 2001, 2002, 2003
17. Polytech'Nice-Sophia, Pre-graduate mobility award

keywords: oncology, oncologie, lung, poumon, single cell, cancer, inflammation. 

Past Research summary

  1. PhD research, 2001-2005 (University of California San Francisco, San Francisco USA): The main objective of my PhD work was to investigate the role of alveolar epithelial ion channel function in the pathogenesis of acute lung injury. My work showed that impaired fluid transport was due to a negative regulation of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) expression, trafficking and function. The studies demonstrated the role of several inflammatory factors on ENaC biosynthesis and their respective impact on the whole epithelial fluid transport.

  2. Postdoctoral research 1, 2005-2010 (University of California San Francisco, San Francisco USA): The objective of my postdoctoral fellowship was to determine, in rat and human primary alveolar epithelial cells, the effect of inflammatory mediators present during the therapeutic rescue of acute lung injury (ALI). I demonstrated a novel role for TGF-β1 and IL-8 in ALI, as inhibitors of the β2-adrenergic response, correlated with lower alveolar fluid clearance in humans. These effects could be corrected by different PI3K inhibitors (isoform specific) - safe to use in humans. I then directed a study demonstrating that HMGB1, released by wounded epithelial cell monolayers, accelerates the distal lung epithelium repair via the secretion of IL-1β, playing a critical role in the resolution of ALI.

  3. Postdoctoral research 2, 2010-2014 (Harvard Medical School, Boston USA): My objective was to establish a proof-of-concept work to understand the dynamics of a key molecular pathway and use advanced analytic tools to extrapolate important kinetic features that we could manipulate pharmacologically.  I developed a workflow that enables high-throughput analyses of living single cells, to specifically study drug resistance in cancer cells by probing the dynamics of tumor cells responses to anti-cancer agents.  Upon treatment with targeted chemotherapy, I have found that death receptor dynamics are extremely variable from one cell to the next, in the same genetically homogenous population of tumor cells and showed that these dynamics control cell fate (i.e. drug sensitivity).

  4. Life science research applying experimental and computational approaches to study drug response dynamics. Group leader (University Côte d'Azur, IRCAN Hofman lab 2014-2018): The overall objective of my group is to determine the origins of tumor cell heterogeneity in response to anti-cancer drugs, by coupling high-content analyses (dynamic live cell imaging, high-throughput assays) with theoretical and computational methods.This is an attempt to address a deficiency in large-scale studies focusing on multiple genetic biomarkers that may be partially inadequate given the observed fractional killing of genetically-identical tumor cell populations after chemotherapeutic treatment. Ultimately this approach should serve to identify, on a tumor cell type basis, the most predictive set of biomarkers and design optimal therapeutic combinations.
Image d’exemple